...Fuck Julian Assange in meathead fucking face.
I don't doubt that he has something that will be perceived as impact to drop into the mix next month, but I completely doubt that has much weight.
He's basically said he has no love for Hillary (not that he should) and has shown contempt for the U.S. in general. The release of classified information during times of conflict is of no benefit to any soldiers or agents working for our government. It puts them all at risk for no good reason...and this is coming from someone who doesn't particularly support the reasons our troops have been sent into harms way or the missions being executed by FBI and CIA type agencies.
This gobshite is just trying to wield whatever influence he feels he has to fuck with our country. He's pathetic, malicious, and pretty much worthless. I'm not a gung-ho American that thinks we d no wrong and our job is to be the guidepost for the rest of the planet, but this chode is certainly a guidepost for criminal douchebaggery.
So fuck him and any "bombs" he wants to drop. If he's all about attacking Hillary then he's complicit in Trump's ascension. Even if he's actually got a bomb that's about destroying Trump, why play around. Waiting until the last minute so the truth can't be discerned before the election is a dick move, but that's him all over.