OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Right, because we need more extremists who won’t be satisfied until all the nonbelievers are dead.

No, because those aren’t real things in American politics. Those words are just that: words.

America is so far right of the rest of the First World that anything sane is going to be deemed ‘extreme.’

He’s right; a “centrist” really is a conservative.
No, because those aren’t real things in American politics. Those words are just that: words.

America is so far right of the rest of the First World that anything sane is going to be deemed ‘extreme.’

He’s right; a “centrist” really is a conservative.

The right calls me a libtard.
The left calls me a conservative.

I must be a centrist. I gotta tell ya, it feels pretty good.
No, because those aren’t real things in American politics. Those words are just that: words.

America is so far right of the rest of the First World that anything sane is going to be deemed ‘extreme.’

He’s right; a “centrist” really is a conservative.

First World is no longer valid way of dividing up the world. It was popular in the 80s.
First World is no longer valid way of dividing up the world. It was popular in the 80s.


Most people I know who identify as centrists are economically conservative, but also care about people and don't hold superstitious religious beliefs that would make abortion an issue and support LGBT rights.

Unfortunately conservative economic policies still leave many people poor with no chance of participating or competing in society.

And that’s what the Tweet was articulating - “centrist” means support for bad economic policies and complicit silence for socio-political injustices.
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