OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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I'm totally stealing this.
columbus didn't 'found' this country. he was LOST and landed in the islands to the east and THOUGHT he was in 'america'.

Columbus slaughtered and enslaved the people he encountered, paving the way for pillagers from the European powers to do the same throughout the Americas. By the time the Pilgrims started killing Native Americans, it was old hat.

The story of this country is genocide and enslavement, and there’s no two ways about it.
More I think about Putin coming for a visit in the fall, more pissed off I am. A couple of questions for everybody. Would you invite a murderer or rapist into your home for the two year anniversary? WTF is Trump thinking? Why would he want to remind everybody at election time? That makes no sense.

The good news: Putin is not coming this fall.

The bad news:

"Just two days after the White House postponed plans to have President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia visit Washington in the fall, the Russian leader said on Friday that he had invited President Trump to visit him in Moscow."

I guess it isn't horrible news. While I would much prefer Trump in prison, paying for what he has done, I'm OK with him fleeing the country to avoid prosecution. At least he is gone that way.
finally a major network is calling it what it is: LIES.

Don Lemon Unloads On Donald Trump Over His Incessant Lying

CNN’s Don Lemon says Donald Trump’s presidency “can be defined by lies.”

On Friday’s broadcast of “CNN Tonight,” the news anchor claimed Trump had told “well over 2,000” untruths during his time in the White House.

Lemon said the “sheer number of lies can be overwhelming,” but also warned people may “become numb to all of this” and tell themselves it’s “just Trump being Trump.”

“This is a man who built his campaign on lies,” Lemon continued, before noting just some of the falsehoods spouted by Trump before he’d even entered the Oval Office. In May, Lemon doubled down on calling Trump a racist.

Soooo, this is an amazing clip anyway, that starts right where you want to watch:

But I delved into the comment section a bit and noticed that nearly all the pro-Trump comments came from profiles with badly-scanned photos taken at least two decades ago, usually odd "Americanized" names, lottsa hashtags, and no history of having uploaded anything to youtube or even commented on another video. Now, I'm not willing to dismiss the idea of the grandma on youtube that just watches videos of cute animals, a hymn, or her grandchildren's dance and band recitals; she voted for Trump, and ONE day she saw a video and decided to comment... perfectly normal.

But most people won't post one comment and then never show up again but instead will keep finding something to post about (Exhibit A: This Forum!) As bots are so pervasive in social media in the first place, we know they're just global scams run by criminals, but I don't think that all the folks that are ranting about George Soros' "paid trolls" realize they've got their own bot army at their back.
Soooo, this is an amazing clip anyway, that starts right where you want to watch:

But I delved into the comment section a bit and noticed that nearly all the pro-Trump comments came from profiles with badly-scanned photos taken at least two decades ago, usually odd "Americanized" names, lottsa hashtags, and no history of having uploaded anything to youtube or even commented on another video. Now, I'm not willing to dismiss the idea of the grandma on youtube that just watches videos of cute animals, a hymn, or her grandchildren's dance and band recitals; she voted for Trump, and ONE day she saw a video and decided to comment... perfectly normal.

But most people won't post one comment and then never show up again but instead will keep finding something to post about (Exhibit A: This Forum!) As bots are so pervasive in social media in the first place, we know they're just global scams run by criminals, but I don't think that all the folks that are ranting about George Soros' "paid trolls" realize they've got their own bot army at their back.

I'm also going to do bigger in my life
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