OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Evidence Shows Hackers Changed Votes in the 2016 Election But No One Will Admit It

When Bradley Moss, a cybersecurity lawyer, won a freedom of information suit against the U.S. government for data on the Russian hacks, the documents revealed that Russia actually got inside the voting systems of seven states, including 4 of the 5 largest states in terms of electoral votes—California (55) Texas (38) Florida (29) and Illinois (20).

U.S. intelligence officials disputed the claim at first. But days later, on Feb. 18, DHS acknowledged that seven states were actually breached, and Homeland Security didn’t inform the individual states until eight months after the election, according to NBC.

Yet, in recanting its initial lie, a statement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said the intelligence community’s assessment “found that Russian actors did not compromise vote-tallying systems. That assessment has not changed.”

Those states have vehemently denied that any votes were changed in the 2016 elections. Then again most of the states had no idea their systems had been penetrated until they were specifically told.

In fact, 6 of the 7 states still deny that their systems were ever breached.

But we know, without a shadow of a doubt, that these systems were targeted and breached. We know that Russian actors got inside. We know the DHS withheld information about this for nearly a year—not only from the public but from the individual states. Illinois admits that hackers unsuccessfully attempted to alter and delete voters rolls but the intruders were unsuccessful, partly because the state has a decentralized system.

But what if there was a state who, unlike Illinois, had voter data, voting-machine information and election rolls on one central computer?

That’s exactly what happened in Georgia.

When the DHS notified state election officials that Russians had targeted election systems, Georgia’s Secretary of State Brian Kemp was the lone state official who refused help from intelligence officials, according to Politico.

Around the time of the 21-state breach, a technician at the Center for Election Systems, the Georgia firm that handles the state’s election data, computers and training, found a hole in the election system’s server that would have allowed anyone to download or alter the database that included every voter in the state. He also found PDF files with the instructions, all the passwords and software files for the system that allowed poll workers to verify registered voters.

Moreover, in a since-unsealed indictment, the FBI discovered that two Russian military officers, Anatoliy Sergeyevich Kovalev and Aleksandr Vladimirovich Osadchuk, conspired to hack into U.S. election systems in October 2016.

Georgia was one of the states listed.

“These sophisticated agents certainly [would have known] that Georgia’s entire election programming and management system, including private voter data, was on a single central computer managed by Secretary of State Kemp’s contract agent at Kennesaw State University,” Marilyn Marks, executive director of the Coalition for Good Governance, told Politico. [snip]

Marks says Georgia’s systems would have been an “ideal” target for Russian hackers because the state doesn’t use a system with a paper trail so there is no way to audit the system. Of course, a diligent eye could have inspected Georgia’s system or compared the saved backups with the hacked server.

But when Marks’ organization sued for data to see whether or not the state’s elections systems had been penetrated, Kennesaw State University, the college that houses the Center for Election Systems, wiped the servers clean.

Then they wiped the servers’ backups clean.

But is it possible to hack an actual voting machine and change votes?

At the 2017 Def Con computer security conference, perhaps the biggest gathering of hackers in the world, organizers challenged attendees to hack into a variety of 30 different voting machines used by election officials around the country. Within 24 hours they hacked every one.

A 16-year-old hacker broke into as ExpressPoll voting machine used by Georgia in 45 minutes. Another cyberhacker showed how he could change votes in the WINvote machine used in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Mississippi, with only a computer, a mouse and a Microsoft Word document, as long as he had the password. But the hacker soon discovered that WINvote machines all had the same password.

The password, which could not be changed, was (you might want to take a deep breath) “abcde.” [snip]
Evidence Shows Hackers Changed Votes in the 2016 Election But No One Will Admit It

When Bradley Moss, a cybersecurity lawyer, won a freedom of information suit against the U.S. government for data on the Russian hacks, the documents revealed that Russia actually got inside the voting systems of seven states, including 4 of the 5 largest states in terms of electoral votes—California (55) Texas (38) Florida (29) and Illinois (20).

U.S. intelligence officials disputed the claim at first. But days later, on Feb. 18, DHS acknowledged that seven states were actually breached, and Homeland Security didn’t inform the individual states until eight months after the election, according to NBC.

Yet, in recanting its initial lie, a statement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said the intelligence community’s assessment “found that Russian actors did not compromise vote-tallying systems. That assessment has not changed.”

Those states have vehemently denied that any votes were changed in the 2016 elections. Then again most of the states had no idea their systems had been penetrated until they were specifically told.

In fact, 6 of the 7 states still deny that their systems were ever breached.

But we know, without a shadow of a doubt, that these systems were targeted and breached. We know that Russian actors got inside. We know the DHS withheld information about this for nearly a year—not only from the public but from the individual states. Illinois admits that hackers unsuccessfully attempted to alter and delete voters rolls but the intruders were unsuccessful, partly because the state has a decentralized system.

But what if there was a state who, unlike Illinois, had voter data, voting-machine information and election rolls on one central computer?

That’s exactly what happened in Georgia.

When the DHS notified state election officials that Russians had targeted election systems, Georgia’s Secretary of State Brian Kemp was the lone state official who refused help from intelligence officials, according to Politico.

Around the time of the 21-state breach, a technician at the Center for Election Systems, the Georgia firm that handles the state’s election data, computers and training, found a hole in the election system’s server that would have allowed anyone to download or alter the database that included every voter in the state. He also found PDF files with the instructions, all the passwords and software files for the system that allowed poll workers to verify registered voters.

Moreover, in a since-unsealed indictment, the FBI discovered that two Russian military officers, Anatoliy Sergeyevich Kovalev and Aleksandr Vladimirovich Osadchuk, conspired to hack into U.S. election systems in October 2016.

Georgia was one of the states listed.

“These sophisticated agents certainly [would have known] that Georgia’s entire election programming and management system, including private voter data, was on a single central computer managed by Secretary of State Kemp’s contract agent at Kennesaw State University,” Marilyn Marks, executive director of the Coalition for Good Governance, told Politico. [snip]

Marks says Georgia’s systems would have been an “ideal” target for Russian hackers because the state doesn’t use a system with a paper trail so there is no way to audit the system. Of course, a diligent eye could have inspected Georgia’s system or compared the saved backups with the hacked server.

But when Marks’ organization sued for data to see whether or not the state’s elections systems had been penetrated, Kennesaw State University, the college that houses the Center for Election Systems, wiped the servers clean.

Then they wiped the servers’ backups clean.

But is it possible to hack an actual voting machine and change votes?

At the 2017 Def Con computer security conference, perhaps the biggest gathering of hackers in the world, organizers challenged attendees to hack into a variety of 30 different voting machines used by election officials around the country. Within 24 hours they hacked every one.

A 16-year-old hacker broke into as ExpressPoll voting machine used by Georgia in 45 minutes. Another cyberhacker showed how he could change votes in the WINvote machine used in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Mississippi, with only a computer, a mouse and a Microsoft Word document, as long as he had the password. But the hacker soon discovered that WINvote machines all had the same password.

The password, which could not be changed, was (you might want to take a deep breath) “abcde.” [snip]

and on top of that, we found out last week (or the week before) that one of the major voting maching vendors actually DID have "remote access software" loaded on ALL the machines they sold.
so, if the article above is, in fact, factual and true, then the 2016 presidential election is a fucking sham. trump IS NOT the president. he WASN'T elected by THE PEOPLE, he was elected BY THE RUSSIANS.

what are the chances that this will covered on all the major network news shows?

After reading this, I decided to check out a number of media sites - including "both sides" of the political spectrum - and there was only one other news network that did: Al Jazeera. Some of the other sites (such as CNN, CBS News, NBC News) had oodles of info available, but you really needed to use the sitemap to find it and then it still took a few more clicks. Both AP and Reuters were incredibly detailed (much like the BBC) but again, you had to go looking for other topics to come across this.

There were three sites that all completely failed the test (although whether or not one of them is news, is questionable...):

Fox News - Lots of "freelance" recruitment, advertising, attempts to attract young college students, and you can find VERY limited information about the on-air personalities and lobbyist contributors, but no direct links to their content. It was an illusion of transparency and trust, but no real substance.

ABC News - Honestly this was really disappointing because there was very little content period. You were able to find a database with all news contributors and it would link to all their other currently available articles... but that was about it. No leadership listings, nothing of accountability, just ad info, and a vague Contact Us.

Breitbart "News" - Hahahahahahahahahaha. Bahahahahaaahahahahahahaha. The Mos Eisley of "news," even the sitemap was full of propaganda and clever attempts to obfuscate that Breitbart isn't even as newsworthy as TMZ.

</end of rant>
Cohen willing to testify that trump Jr told his dad about trump tower meeting before it happened and trump gave the ok for it to happen.

File this under the DUH category. Of course trump knew. Of course Jr would run to daddy immediately to get permission and seek an attaboy. of course he has been lying about it this entire time.

This is collusion.
Cohen willing to testify that trump Jr told his dad about trump tower meeting before it happened and trump gave the ok for it to happen.

File this under the DUH category. Of course trump knew. Of course Jr would run to daddy immediately to get permission and seek an attaboy. of course he has been lying about it this entire time.

This is collusion. was collusion when it happened.
now..... it's obstruction, and possibly conspiracy to commit.
bigger animal.
not sure if this was posted already or not, but if true.......

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid ‘Hush Money’ For Relationships With Trump

"Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said Thursday that he now represents three additional women who he says had relationships with President Donald Trump and were paid “hush money” before the 2016 presidential election."

"Avenatti disclosed the information at a community forum in West Hollywood, California, but he would not provide additional information."

"Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

so, i don't care who cheeto doinked or that it was adultry, what i care about is that he's covered it up and it illustrates just how much he lies about everything.

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