OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Hasn't Bevin basically been buttfucking that entire state without lube or consent since the day he got elected?

That's what he was elected to do. My soon to be ex-wife had family "down on the mountain" and they are total #TrumpHumpers that loved everything Bevin said, even when we told them he was taking their benefits. And he did, and they still blame the Democrats.

What a fucking tool. Fuck him. Did he fire the person who posted that garbage? Did he apologize for the content being posted? I would say that "inadvertent" is about as weak as a response as one could make. If one of my employees posted that I would fire them instantly.

10 bucks says it was Rand posting on dad's account.
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The comments on this one are good:

Hmmm .... sounds vaguely familiar:
Ron Paul and the racist newsletters

The articles contain no bylines and no signatures, just Ron Paul’s name in giant letters on the publications’ mastheads. This leaves a tiny bit of wiggle room for the Texas congressman to defend himself. That’s what he’s done, telling the media he has “no idea” how the inflammatory comments made it into print.

“I honestly do not know who wrote those things,” he told CNN in January 2008.

Paul has compared himself to a major publisher who had little time to review every article that went to press, even though his newsletters came out monthly — and were thin at that. He claims he was too busy practicing medicine and giving speeches across the country to pay attention to the bulletins. [snip]

Certain passages in the newsletters suggest that Paul, or at least someone using his persona, wrote for the publications. One article from October 1992 refers to the congressman’s hometown, saying, “even in my little town of Lake Jackson, Texas, I’ve urged everyone in my family to know how to use a gun in self defense, for the animals are coming.” [snip]
The retaliatory tariffs the White House said wouldn’t happen are happening
Four months ago today, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro appeared on the Fox Business Network to defend Donald Trump’s policy on tariffs. Asked about international retaliation, Navarro, speaking from the White House press briefing room, said, “I don’t believe any country in the world is going to retaliate.”

How’s that working out?

Canada announced billions of dollars in retaliatory tariffs against the U.S. on Friday in a tit-for-tat response to the Trump administration’s duties on Canadian steel and aluminum.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government released the final list of items that will be targeted beginning July 1. Some items will be subject to taxes of 10 or 25 percent… The taxes on items including ketchup, lawn mowers and motor boats amount to $12.6 billion.

Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland characterized the tariffs as regrettable, but said the country didn’t have much of a choice. “We will not escalate and we will not back down,” she said.

In case anyone’s forgotten, Trump imposed new tariffs against Canada claiming a national-security exception to the rules-based order the United States helped write. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said it was “inconceivable” that Canada “could be considered a national security threat,” and Trump later conceded, perhaps accidentally, that his rationale was a fraud.

The European Union, meanwhile, has already announced retaliatory tariffs of its own, targeting U.S. steel, agricultural and other products, “including bourbon, peanut butter, cranberries and orange juice.” Those tariffs are scheduled to take effect this month. [snip]

Postscript: Just for kicks, let’s again note how Peter Navarro entered the president’s orbit. Vanity Fair reported last year, “At one point during the campaign, when Trump wanted to speak more substantively about China, he gave Kushner a summary of his views and then asked him to do some research. Kushner simply went on Amazon, where he was struck by the title of one book, Death by China, co-authored by Peter Navarro. He cold-called Navarro, a well-known trade-deficit hawk, who agreed to join the team as an economic adviser.”
The retaliatory tariffs the White House said wouldn’t happen are happening
Four months ago today, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro appeared on the Fox Business Network to defend Donald Trump’s policy on tariffs. Asked about international retaliation, Navarro, speaking from the White House press briefing room, said, “I don’t believe any country in the world is going to retaliate.”

How’s that working out?

Canada announced billions of dollars in retaliatory tariffs against the U.S. on Friday in a tit-for-tat response to the Trump administration’s duties on Canadian steel and aluminum.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government released the final list of items that will be targeted beginning July 1. Some items will be subject to taxes of 10 or 25 percent… The taxes on items including ketchup, lawn mowers and motor boats amount to $12.6 billion.

Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland characterized the tariffs as regrettable, but said the country didn’t have much of a choice. “We will not escalate and we will not back down,” she said.

In case anyone’s forgotten, Trump imposed new tariffs against Canada claiming a national-security exception to the rules-based order the United States helped write. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said it was “inconceivable” that Canada “could be considered a national security threat,” and Trump later conceded, perhaps accidentally, that his rationale was a fraud.

The European Union, meanwhile, has already announced retaliatory tariffs of its own, targeting U.S. steel, agricultural and other products, “including bourbon, peanut butter, cranberries and orange juice.” Those tariffs are scheduled to take effect this month. [snip]

Postscript: Just for kicks, let’s again note how Peter Navarro entered the president’s orbit. Vanity Fair reported last year, “At one point during the campaign, when Trump wanted to speak more substantively about China, he gave Kushner a summary of his views and then asked him to do some research. Kushner simply went on Amazon, where he was struck by the title of one book, Death by China, co-authored by Peter Navarro. He cold-called Navarro, a well-known trade-deficit hawk, who agreed to join the team as an economic adviser.”

but....but.....but......."trade wars are easy to win".

so.....we're really winning?
The comments on this one are good:

Epidemic, I guess.

A conservative filmmaker pardoned by President Donald Trump has been slammed for retweeting Twitter posts with the hashtags #burntheJews and #bringbackslavery.

Right-wing commentator Dinesh D’Souza, who has mocked the survivors of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting and suggested Rosie O’Donnell should be prosecuted for her campaign donations, was pardoned by Trump in May. [snip]

Over the weekend, D’Souza has found himself at the center of a Twitter controversy after retweeting messages that promoted his film Death of a Nation—whose trailer compares Trump to Abraham Lincoln and asks "Which is the party of racism today?"—when users noticed they contained highly offensive hashtags.

The first tweet shared by D’Souza, which featured the hashtag #burntheJews, was spotted by Twitter users and widely shared, prompting the pundit to respond: “I did not see the hashtag. Just trying to share the trailer on social media.”

His claim that he had simply failed to spot the hashtag was not well-received by Twitter, with many users expressing disbelief that the filmmaker could have missed the offensive wording when he shared the message. [snip]

However, shortly afterward, D'Souza retweeted another message that promotes his film—this time with the hashtag #bringbackslavery, which was also quickly spotted by social media users who slammed him again for sharing the racist tweet. [snip]
If you’ve not yet, listen to the Trump, Inc. podcast. It’s thoughtful and well reasoned in its concerns re: Trump and his financial entanglements and conflicts of interest.
Awesome. Now he'll be forced to spend another 2.5 million a year for a Secret Service detail to protect him from being yelled at during lunch by DEADLY THREATENING Soccer Moms. Another sensitive White House snowflake!
did you read the comments?
talk about fucking snowflakes. "it's a violation of due process to yell at someone while they're eating" (i'm not kidding, read them, and there wasn't any yelling.)
lots of the comments claim that it's wrong to confront public officials while they're eating. blah blah blah.
did you read the comments?
talk about fucking snowflakes. "it's a violation of due process to yell at someone while they're eating" (i'm not kidding, read them, and there wasn't any yelling.)
lots of the comments claim that it's wrong to confront public officials while they're eating. blah blah blah.
I generally don't read the comments on these type of things. It's just too painful. I did go back and read on this one, and of course noticed that the moron who made that comment used the word "liberal" or "Democrat" on pretty much EVERY SINGLE COMMENT HE MADE!!!! I just can't stand it anymore. :-(
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