OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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I can't't wait for the "who cares about Estonia, MAGA!" Facebook posts. I wonder if any of those posters will look and see that Estonia controls the Gulf of Finland and is in a strategic position to monitor and lock down the entire Russian Baltic fleet of more than 75 ships should such a thing become necessary.

Anyone want to give odds on Trump not replacing this guy to help out his buddy Putin? MRGA!

Countdown to “You can always tell the forumites who don’t appreciate Arvo Pärt and the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir.”
This opinion piece discussing how to deal mentally with Trump is worth a read, or re-read. For me anyway. Eye on the ball, head in the game and focused on what is important. Goals for myself.
that really is what is happening and what we should really focus on. there is a LOT of smoke screen going on and it's hard not to latch onto the latest outrage, but instead stay focused on the fact that there IS a calculated effort to destroy our democracy for power and profit. that IS what our focus should be on.
New technology allows U.S. adversaries to influence elections through ‘deepfake’ videos

"Hey, did my congressman really say that? Is that really President Donald Trump on that video, or am I being duped?

New technology on the internet lets anyone make videos of real people appearing to say things they've never said. Republicans and Democrats predict this high-tech way of putting words in someone's mouth will become the latest weapon in disinformation wars against the United States and other Western democracies.

We're not talking about lip-syncing videos. This technology uses facial mapping and artificial intelligence to produce videos that appear so genuine it's hard to spot the phonies. Lawmakers and intelligence officials worry that the bogus videos — called deepfakes — could be used to threaten national security or interfere in elections.

So far, that hasn't happened, but experts say it's not a question of if, but when."

so, basically, if you see something on the internet you had better watch the evening news to find out if it was a fake.
unfortunately, the deplorables are too stupid and/or to invested in 'trump is great', to bother finding out they're being duped.

Indiana police find Trump-shaped ecstasy pills in drug raid

"Indiana state police found a number of ecstasy pills shaped like
President Trump in a drug raid last month, according to a release by the Indiana State Police.
Police made 129 criminal arrests on 272 drug-related charges in a series of busts over six days, dubbed “Operation Blue Anvil,” according to the release.
The orange Trump-shaped pills were uncovered along with cocaine, heroin, LSD, marijuana, prescription drugs and others. The release did not say how many of the pills were found or their value."
"The pills, which are printed with the words “Great Again” in reference to Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” are similar to those seized in a German city last year."
"German police seized about 5,000 Trump-shaped tablets with an estimated sales value of nearly $46,000 from a 51-year-old man and his 17-year-old son in northwestern Germany in August 2017."
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