Would you like to know more about the region? PM me if so. One interesting thing - the Park was VERY controversial for a long time, because they removed several neighborhoods by eminent domain. In fact, one great memory I have of what is now "Battle Road" is an "OK Used Cars" lot across the road from Buttrick's Ice Cream stand - yup, same Buttricks. My dad's joke was that Paul Revere was captured because he stopped to get his horse an ice cream cone (Revere was captured about 3/4 of a mile east of Hartwell Tavern).
I would love to be able to describe the wonder of growing up in such an environment. As you no doubt noted, Lincoln is a terribly quiet town - but with so much there. The DeCordova Museum (and sculpture park - site of my first LSD trips, nothing like dosing in the middle of a rural sculpture park). The Gropius House. Pierce Park. Walden Pond (on the border of Lincoln and Concord). My Dad's old property had an outcropping called Philosopher's Cliff, where Thoreau used to sit and think.
When we're young, we have no perspective - I did not realize how amazingly lucky I was to grow up where I did (my childhood babysitters were John and John from They Might Be Giants, also Lincolnites).
One of the great things about the area are the stone markers along many of the country roads, showing where the minutemen marched to meet on April 19th. So I would be riding my bike, and look over, and see a marker, and you could just imagine those guys marching off at 3:45 a.m., probably scared shitless and pissed as hell.