In this thread you'll share your feelings about The Exorcist.

Horror movies, like comedies, are usually most effective in a crowded theater.

No comment on the other bit.

I feel that way about almost most movies, TBH. Though, if you want to be a film geek about it, then it's nice to have the options to freeze-frame, replay, and slow-motion on repeated viewings.
I'll give them credit for that, but I'll give them credit for one of the best marketing jobs of all-time...

But I'll also give them credit for being a shitty movie and for creating a subgenre that helped ruin the genre.

Blair Witch was without a doubt the worst movie I have ever seen.
It's one of my favorite devil movies. I was in high school when it came out and there was a lot of media attention given to it. People throwing up in the theaters, etc. I think a lot of horror movies borrow from it now. Poor Linda Blaire couldn't do anything since.
I read the book before seeing the movie and THAT was really freaky.

The movie came out when I was in high school also. Thing was, they slapped a then new NC 17 rating on it.The theaters around here (all two) upped it to 18+ when more than a few phone calls from concerned parents were made. Raising the hackles on the local Catholic Cardinal's neck didn't help either. He advised that Boston area Catholics shouldn't watch since it went against church doctrines. So I waited till it came out on VHS, and saw it then. TBH, it disturbed the crap out of me the first time. It wasn't the stuff on the screen so much as it was the theological idea of being possessed like that. Since then I have read about people being killed during the exorsism rite. I think that even if I wasn't raised Catholic, that kind of thing would bother me.... whatever. I have no illusions about church anymore. As a piece of film though, it is a classic. It makes you think on some level. You either watch it again, or not.

I thought Blair Witch was a terrible movie. The marketing was over the top, I think that alone got people into theaters. Whether or not anyone went back again is their own judgement.
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The movie came out when I was in high school also. Thing was, they slapped a then new NC 17 rating on it.The theaters around here (all two) upped it to 18+ when more than a few phone calls from concerned parents were made. Raising the hackles on the local Catholic Cardinal's neck didn't help either. He advised that Boston area Catholics shouldn't watch since it went against church doctrines. So I waited till it came out on VHS, and saw it then. TBH, it disturbed the crap out of me the first time. It wasn't the stuff on the screen so much as it was the theological idea of being possessed like that. Since then I have read about people being killed during the exorsism rite. I think that even if I wasn't raised Catholic, that kind of thing would bother me.... whatever. I have no illusions about church anymore. As a piece of film though, it is a classic. It makes you think on some level. You either watch it again, or not.

The NC-17 rating wasn't introduced until 1990.

The X rating was "18 and only" until the early-70s, at which point it went to "17 and only". So your local movie theatres backslid a bit in response to pressure.

So, you had to wait a decade, until the 80s?
One of my favourite horror movies, but I don't find it scary at all. I don't believe in demonic possession, but it's a fascinating subject and the movie was exceedingly well done.
Brilliant scary film. The sequals were utter shit though.

Well apart from where that old lady is crawling around on the ceiling, that got me a bit.
Then you haven't seen enough really bad movies. :helper:

I wouldn't say I watch a bunch of movies. Even when I do see a movie that is bad, I usually find something in it that I liked. When the credits rolled at the end of this one, it was the only time I have ever thought there was nothing good about it. I couldn't believe I wasted the time sitting through it, I kept waiting for some kind of payoff, but nothing. Maybe this was one of the time I got caught up in the hype and my expectations were too high, but it was all around terrible. Maybe I couldn't get past the fact that every freaking person on the planet knows if you get lost in the woods, follow the stream down don't just keep walking in circles.
I saw Blair Witch opening night at the movies when it came out. I remember the audience booing at the end and everyone asking each other what happened, and what the ending meant. I remember my girlfriend who hated scary movies and scared easily thought it was benign.

To this day I haven't seen it again.

Funny enough I might have the ticket stub. I'll go look. For some strange reason I keep ticket stubs in a bag.


Ha, found it.

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To fully appreciate The Exorcist you must watch the director's cut in a packed theater tripping on magic mushrooms. Hope this helps.


I was a teenager and it was in fact the first time I saw it. I think I pissed myself a bit, and horror flicks never scare me. It has since become one of my fav movies, even outside the genre.

The crab/spider walk was part of the original filming, got cut, and then added with some cgi help for the later edition.

I like the De Palma films I've seen as fun entertainment, but don't hold any special reverence for them.

Religion lol.

Never seen Blair Witch, but I've seen the terrible terrible sequel, thanks horrible horrible ex-gf.

I too keep all my concert/movie stubs.
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the worst movie ever is Romy and Michelle: In the Beginning
the prequel to the amazing Romy and Michele's High School Reunion.
The exorcist?

it's ok- I enjoyed it.:), but,then I can honestly suspend judgement when I want to. Others aren't so lucky.:(
I saw it at the nice young age of 7 years old. I couldn't sleep for really messed me up. I can't watch exorcism movies to this day.
My brother took me to see the exorcist when i was about 5, it scared the shit out me.... He also took me to see the Omen, and drew a 666 on my scalp in magic marker. (He was a sadistic bastard).
Having watched the Exorcist again later in my adulthood, I can honestly say it still creeped me the f*ck out.
I give it two thumbs up.
What scared us then doesn't scare us now. When I was young movies like, "The Blob" and "The Creature From the Black Lagoon", scared the pants off all of us. That's because we were more naive and less accustomed to blood, gore and creepy shit than we are now. Then along came Viet Nam and we all got to hear stories and see photos of genuine real life horror on a daily basis until we heard and saw so much of it that we eventually became desensitized. Over the years the cycle has been that the more we see of it the more difficult it has become to shock us. Today we think nothing of seeing real life murder victims face down in an alley on shows like "The First 48 Hours" and we don't really feel any more shocked at seeing that than we do when we see fantasy depictions of the same thing. That's the part that scares me.
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Max von Sydow was in my 2 favorite Devil movies.
The Exorcist did scare the shit out of me as a kid.
I was 10 when I saw it in the theater.