cats crack me up




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I've just been made aware that this movie exists. Features a kung fu fight between a cat and a dog. I feel it is my duty to share this information with you all.
That's pretty cool. I've thought about building something like that for my cats, but then I realized it would just end up being a bunch of hard-to-reach spots covered with cat hair. It's already a full-time job vacuuming the hair off the couches.

That reminds me, does anyone have any scientific explanation as to why cat hair sticks so tenaciously to everything except cats?
or why a cat will instantly go to the person who is allergic to them?

I read somewhere there's actually a reason for this. Cats don't like to be looked at by strangers. It's threatening to them.

People who are allergic to cats try to avoid them and that makes them non-threatening. So cats are interested.
OK, who's been spying in my bedroom? :mad: :grin:


Sophie (the tort) has been sleeping at my hip lately. The small dogs stay at the foot of the bed.