cats crack me up

The thing that cat lovers love about cats is one of the same reason cat haters hate cats..... You don't really "domesticate" cats. They still have all the personality, instincts, and tendencies of the large jungle cats. They're just "domestic sized". :baimun:
The thing that cat lovers love about cats is one of the same reason cat haters hate cats..... You don't really "domesticate" cats. They still have all the personality, instincts, and tendencies of the large jungle cats. They're just "domestic sized". :baimun:

I dunno man, I've had some cats that embody the term domestic. :grin: On the flip side of that coin, I've got a Bengal who is a bit of an odd duck compared to any of our other domestics or ferals around here. :embarrassed:
I have two cats. One male, one female. The female goes outside all the time and basically I only ever see her when its feeding time. The male hates going outside and spends most of his day hiding/sleeping. He might run out into the garden for 5 mins to eat grass so that he can vomit all over somewhere later, usually on a carpet. He also delights in pissing anywhere but in the exceptin the litter box. I sometimes wonder why I actually bother looking after the little bastard.
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