Your pick: 80s -90s shredder guitars

Back in those days, I always thought that one of those Carvin Koa monstrosities would be just the thing, but I could not afford it in those days, and anticipating Flamencology, I somehow instinctively knew I didn't deserve koa


My brother had a black Charvel model 3, but the trem was different from that one in your picture. His looked like this:


It was quite a nice guitar. Very strat-like in sound (bridge humbucker notwithstanding). I remember the neck pickup and the neck-and-middle positions sounded really good for Hank Marvin/Knopfler/Nile Rodgers tones, which is probably not what you associate with Charvel superstrats :embarrassed:
I always had a soft spot for the Roadstar.

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I thought of this exact guitar but went with the Destroyer because "80s excess". If Warmoth or somebody made a good quality body in the Roadstar shape, I would be very interested.

Lots of time in my teens spent looking at the Ibanez catalog imagining owning one of those.

I totally forgot about the Schon guitars. I wonder how many were actually made and are still around.
I had a Rhoads V briefly in the late 80's. Besides the obvious aesthetics, it was so different from the typical shred guitar, with regards to how it played -- the neck was more like a Fender, and had tiny frets like one. I unloaded it pretty quickly.

I still have my custom shop BC Rich ST-III from 1987. It was my first really good electric guitar.