What amp would your 16 year old self buy for at home jamming?

My 16 year old self waited more than a year to start playing and more than that to start knowing that amps have names. The music rooms in my high-school had Marshalls (valvestates) so I knew that, not knowing Marshalls' iconic status or that amps matter.
I guess what appealed to me back then are big amps with more than a few knobs.
I guess Mesa/Laney, having Black Sabbath and Metallica being some of my teen self's favorites.
15 year old me bought my guitar teacher's Peavey Bandit instead of a Valvestate combo. I got the guitar when I was 16.
at 16 I had a fender RAD (or HOT or whatever others there were in that series), and then upgraded to an ampeg vh140c. I wish I still had the ampeg.
at 16 I had a fender RAD (or HOT or whatever others there were in that series), and then upgraded to an ampeg vh140c. I wish I still had the ampeg.
I did a BUNCH of gigs in the early 90s running my guitar through an A.R.T. ECC MultiFX and a Fender RAD. Still can't believe I got away with it. :)
I ended up buying the Irig HD 2 to give AmpliTube another shot. I have the original Irig but the noise drives me crazy. Hoping the lightning connection proves to be better than using the headphone jack. Where else can you buy an amp for $2.99! :)
First amp I had was a Roland GA60 (OGG will probably be familiar with those amps).
And...the guitar was a Japanese Strat with the System I trem. :embarrassed:

Served me very well for about 10 years with a few pedals. No idea where the amp is these days. Probably still alive. You can't kill those things - same thing with the old Peaveys btw.
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Line 6 pod and some headphones?
Oh wait, that's what I actually had at 16...

Katana 50

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