upgrading my butthurt

But what about The Eagles dammit? I want to know where we stand on The Eagles.

These superfluous distractions and dubiosly vague balderdash are not facilitating any form of scientific evidence as to how the forum as a collective views the single greatest rock and roll band in American history.

I need answers!

Sent from Crab Nebulae via reverse engineered alien technology
Lighten up while you still can.
I think folks in this thread have been needlessly hard on tompetty. Dude has a first class biography and an impeccable musical pedigree.

At the age of 6 he performed for the Queen of England. His selection was the Rolling Stones' "Monkey Man" performed on lute and recorder simultaneously.

He has earned the title of Mr. Vienna Sausage at his hometown's annual Canada Day celebrations every year for the last 45 years.

His favorite karaoke number is "Who Made Who." A recorded version of his performance of this AC/DC classic was the top spin on the local college radio station for three weeks in a row during Fall Semester 1992.

tompetty frequently is the runner up in local bake-offs at the Kiwanis Club. His oatmeal fig treasure bars are TO DIE FOR.

Our hero once banged two former homecoming queens in the back of a van on the same night. Not at the same time. First was Donna Doyle (Class of 1976). Later that evening was a liaison with Laurie Ripken (Class of 1969). That was one of the best Van Hagar shows tompetty had ever attended.

tompetty is ambidextrous, but only in the kitchen.

He has a lucky ballcap that he almost never removes. It was a free promotional item from the fine folks at Copenhagen chaw.

tompetty can whistle about 3/4 of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" really well with zero fuckups.

His dad was Canada's leading Zoroastrian mystic in the eastern provinces.

He once had a torrid sexual interlude with a famous professional hockey player. No, he's not naming names.

He gives all his pets the same name and uses a numbering system to keep them straight. He's done this since he was a boy. You can see Lucky 23 in his avatar photo.

Sometimes he uses the alias tomperry to troll Internet forums.
Are doctors especially rare? Are lesbians? You don't encounter that many while puttering?

It's funny that anyone gives a shit about anyone's personal life here, beyond caring about one another's general well-being. I've reached out to forumites who've gone through rough times, have had long phone calls, have met a couple in person, etc., but beyond that, I don't really care about what they do when they log off, yourself included.

Meanwhile, you're not the first person to make a silly/vague/groundless comment like that out of whatever motivates you... but I thought we were past that. I mean, this kind of childish bullshit lost the forum mattburnside, who was the best of any of us.

So. I don't care a damn about what who you are or what you do, but I care about my right to roll my eyes whenever you claim that you know anything about music when all you've ever done is take pride in your willful ignorance while all you've ever contributed to the community in the past 15 years are clips from The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty, AC/DC, and Dwight Yoakam. How many names am I missing? 5? It can't be more than 10.
I came here to post something about the Eagles but after reading though the thread it seems pretty pointless.
See???? See what I and others mean?? Did you read the post below this original one that you made...

Eagles suck...They suck because some noodle brain says they suck...The end.........
I think folks in this thread have been needlessly hard on tompetty. Dude has a first class biography and an impeccable musical pedigree.

At the age of 6 he performed for the Queen of England. His selection was the Rolling Stones' "Monkey Man" performed on lute and recorder simultaneously.

He has earned the title of Mr. Vienna Sausage at his hometown's annual Canada Day celebrations every year for the last 45 years.

His favorite karaoke number is "Who Made Who." A recorded version of his performance of this AC/DC classic was the top spin on the local college radio station for three weeks in a row during Fall Semester 1992.

tompetty frequently is the runner up in local bake-offs at the Kiwanis Club. His oatmeal fig treasure bars are TO DIE FOR.

Our hero once banged two former homecoming queens in the back of a van on the same night. Not at the same time. First was Donna Doyle (Class of 1976). Later that evening was a liaison with Laurie Ripken (Class of 1969). That was one of the best Van Hagar shows tompetty had ever attended.

tompetty is ambidextrous, but only in the kitchen.

He has a lucky ballcap that he almost never removes. It was a free promotional item from the fine folks at Copenhagen chaw.

tompetty can whistle about 3/4 of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" really well with zero fuckups.

His dad was Canada's leading Zoroastrian mystic in the eastern provinces.

He once had a torrid sexual interlude with a famous professional hockey player. No, he's not naming names.

He gives all his pets the same name and uses a numbering system to keep them straight. He's done this since he was a boy. You can see Lucky 23 in his avatar photo.

Sometimes he uses the alias tomperry to troll Internet forums.
Holy shit dude. How long have you been saving this? TLDR.......

My animals, (cats,for the layperson), are named Ratty and Mop!!!
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I've posted music of myself as a young boy..
I've posted one picture of myself as a young man in an old house playing a classical..
I've posted one picture of myself in a kayak
I have a wife that is a doctor AND a pilot.
And we have sex with others...
I teach at a higher level school and still have the time to play on here, non stop...
I have a Dad that was a famous musician but I won't let you people know who he was.
My Mom is a surgeon who eventually became a lesbian.

I remember when you, (insert name), became an obvious beautiful entity at Guitar Central...

I PM'd a dude back in the day questioning you and he was a prominent member and the prominent member replied that he was asked the same by many others........

I think TP and Flamencology are actually the same guy, but aren't cognizant of it. :thu:

Holy shit dude. How long have you been saving this? TLDR.......

My animals, (cats,for the layperson), are named Ratty and Mop!!!

That represents about 10 min of effort/typing.

BTW, did you know Mark Wein used to be a competitive beer league ballroom dancer?

Smurfco's dad was the first man to play a wah pedal in Peru.

And DdBob's big claim to fame in high school was inventing a cocktail called a "Rusty Sanchez." Three oz. gold tequila. One oz. Drambuie. Top off with Dr. Pepper. He invented it because Drambuie was the easiest liquor to shoplift at the D&C Convenience Mart near where he used to play his Babe Ruth baseball games.
Sucka MCs and Soda MDs...how do they work?

According to the electric universe theory...MAGNETISM!!!


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