upgrading my butthurt

You have no idea..............
None what so ever............

Listen, you can keep making hints about your musical knowledge, but in the past 12+ years, I've seen zero evidence of it. No more than I've seen any evidence of @Help!I'maRock! having been a top prospect for the NBA when he was a teenager. It'd be the exact same thing if I joined a marine biology forum and started a thread about One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish every fucking week for 300 consecutive weeks as a sample of my knowledge base.
Listen, you can keep making hints about your musical knowledge, but in the past 12+ years, I've seen zero evidence of it. No more than I've seen any evidence of @Help!I'maRock! having been a top prospect for the NBA when he was a teenager. It'd be the exact same thing if I joined a marine biology forum and started a thread about One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish every fucking week for 300 consecutive weeks as a sample of my knowledge base.

FWIW, in 5th grade, I won the bronze medal in the layup contest. :embarrassed:
Listen, you can keep making hints about your musical knowledge, but in the past 12+ years, I've seen zero evidence of it. No more than I've seen any evidence of @Help!I'maRock! having been a top prospect for the NBA when he was a teenager. It'd be the exact same thing if I joined a marine biology forum and started a thread about One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish every fucking week for 300 consecutive weeks as a sample of my knowledge base.
Stay tuned...I'm about to lay out some truth...It'll be interesting for me....
I've posted music of myself as a young boy..
I've posted one picture of myself as a young man in an old house playing a classical..
I've posted one picture of myself in a kayak
I have a wife that is a doctor AND a pilot.
And we have sex with others...
I teach at a higher level school and still have the time to play on here, non stop...
I have a Dad that was a famous musician but I won't let you people know who he was.
My Mom is a surgeon who eventually became a lesbian.

I remember when you, (insert name), became an obvious beautiful entity at Guitar Central...

I PM'd a dude back in the day questioning you and he was a prominent member and the prominent member replied that he was asked the same by many others........
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