The Tattoos of Weinworld

My mate warned me I might get the bug :embarrassed: Drew this shipwreck up yesterday to go with Sir Octopus on my left calf. I'll obviously get him to improve it vastly (the torn sails are a bit shit but I'm no artist) by doing it his own style and shading similar to the other one he did. Not sure whether to get it a bit more piratey and add a treasure chest somewhere.

Not mine but one for the chemistry guys. Oxytocin molecule, the hormone that makes one fall in love.

And one for the moto's.
I am the boring chap who has no tattoos or piercings.

I have no tats.

I pierced my ears back in the 80s, 2 on the right, 3 on the left, but haven't worn an earring in over 20 years.

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