The second BS thread that Mark forced us to create.

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I didn't drink much at all over the last 22 years, just the occasional Guinness or glass of wine. Doing the bike racing thing was priority. Also, my dad and mom have/had alcohol dependency problems, so I never wanted to go down that F'ed up path. Alocohol and cigarettes directly shortened my mom's life.

Now, I like to have a dram of a well crafted whiskey on weekend nights or after getting off the last night shift of the week. I'm a relitive noob on whiskey and have enjoyed the learning... and then some!

If I see myself increasing the frequency or amount, I'll shut it down right away. I don't have an addictive personality, but I sure don't want to get into something that is hard to get out of.
I was supposed to leave early Friday for Seattle. Well, that got moved up by 24 hours. Now, I gotta hit the road at 4:30 am for a 7:45 flight.

I really should be asleep...
Awesome T-shirt

I am soooooooo tired. Hope I can get some sleep on the flight (HA!), because when I land, I got lots to do...
And the last glass from the Glenlivet Nadurra 16 has been poured. No scotch left now! panic0
I may try a bottle of Glenmorangie Nectar d'Or next.

spent the night rebuilding a computer... man.... i need sleep. My laptop crapped out a couple weeks ago, and my home computer was so old.... I actually found a tower and 22" lcd monitor on the curb for pickup... Not a bad free computer. I think its a core 2 duo.

lots of work today.. catch up y'all later.
Normal day job stuff so far. Picking up my LLC papers from the attorney tonight after work, then dropping a body off at the painter (pink metallic) :grin: like hello kitty pink. then a bunch of sanding later in the evening.
I don't trust my knowledge regarding stuff like IRS, etc. Plus our attorney is fairly inexpensive and is about 10 minutes from the house. We did 2 LLC's. looking at legal zoom now, we paid the same price :)
Just got done sorting all the California zip codes by county, then city. Excel is easy, but there were still 2000+ rows to go through :messedup:

Got a bunch of invoices to process today, so that'll be fun.
I don't trust my knowledge regarding stuff like IRS, etc. Plus our attorney is fairly inexpensive and is about 10 minutes from the house. We did 2 LLC's. looking at legal zoom now, we paid the same price :)

That works. Our accountant gave me all the info and I did ours about 3 years ago. And I sure as shit don't do my own taxes :embarrassed:

In the air right now, possibly over Montana. Hard to tell, since when you're up this high, the sky looks big everywhere (HEY-ooooooooooo!).

I'm running on fumes. Been awake 7 hours after a three-hour nap, flight has has its' moments of turbulence hell, and I gotta check in at the hotel, get a taxi to the rental car place downtown (don't ask), then drive to the bank I'm gonna babysit and introduce myself. Then, and only then, will I be able to retreat to my room for some nappage :bor:
This tells you how lobg its been since I've flown...I didn't realize you could post pics and whatnot from the plane.
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