Mediocringly Derivative
Not when you've got as many cats as we do And the wife likes them to have a certain food. Otherwise I would not be venturing to Costco.
buy a dozen mice.
Not when you've got as many cats as we do And the wife likes them to have a certain food. Otherwise I would not be venturing to Costco.
I ate an entire, large, frozen pizza for dinner. Yes I cooked it. Now I have toxic ass emissions. Just thought I'd share.
Sent from The Nether
So what you're saying is that "you're farting and it's piping hot"? Lol
how ya likin' that new bass?
. i felt like i had eaten an entire pound of shit..
fixed for my experience.
McDonald's makes me physically ill. I'm a sucker for their fries though. The rest they can keep. I try to keep my oldest son away but mom doesn't share my dislike.
Sent from The Nether
I had to tell a friend that my 5-year-old has never been to McDonald's. She looked at me like I was from another planet.
it did look the same going in as it did coming out.
Anyways, McDonalds got busted for putting beef flavoring in their french fries, so we never go there.