That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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Cool, Marc... I need to post pics of my new tele...

Well, we bought a house that my wife has never seen in person, so we head south tomorrow to pick up the keys and let her see her future home, make a material list, order lots of stuff ($$) at the local Home Depot for delivery next week, and return on Friday... Then, next Wednesday, I head back for a few weeks and do a shit load of work on the house... Then, I come back here, pack everything, and do the big move... Fun! :embarrassed:
Here are some pics of the tele I put together. All of the parts except for the neck I got from Guitar Fetish. The off center Thomsas sticker (The engine is actually named Percy) on the headstock was placed there by my oldest son several years ago when the neck was on another guitar. I changed the tuners to Sperzel style locking that you see now. I'm happy to say that it plays really well. The body is very light and made from Paulownia wood.










Cool, Marc... I need to post pics of my new tele...

Well, we bought a house that my wife has never seen in person, so we head south tomorrow to pick up the keys and let her see her future home, make a material list, order lots of stuff ($$) at the local Home Depot for delivery next week, and return on Friday... Then, next Wednesday, I head back for a few weeks and do a shit load of work on the house... Then, I come back here, pack everything, and do the big move... Fun! :embarrassed:

:) We used to live right around the corner, so she knows and likes the area, and this house was her first choice based on seeing hundreds of homes online... It was my first choice when I went to look, met all our needs, so we went for it! In fact, I am outta here... See ya'll in a few days...
I traced out my new pickguard but haven't cut it yet. Cut some cork to use for the mounting shims.
Kids have had activities all week, so haven't had much time.
Today is Mrs G's birthday, so, probably no work tonight either.
Tomorrow night is choir concert, Friday night is Sherlock Holmes anmd Saturday is more band/choir concerts plus a trip to see Tony to pick up the tele.
Damn, that sounds busy, doesn't it? :eek:
Supposed to have a call from a new company courting me on friday as well.


It's a busy week.

I'm down to a couple of days now to decide if I want to change jobs or not. It's a tough call.
The other guys are bigger, so there are more resources, technology for processing orders and support behind you.
The downside is that it's a bigger company, which offers less flexibility in offering product.

They have a cool setup where customers and therapists can log in to the system to track the progress of their order, which is cool.
I'm not in love with how they pay, though. It's called a draw against commission. That's good in a way, because the potential is there to make really good money. If things get slow, however, you can get in the hole to them pretty deep.

Son #2 (the comedian) had his first concert band performance last night. The annual Christmas concert. Very cool, except from the audience, all we could see was an ocean of music stands. :embarrassed:
Sounded great, though. He looked so grown up in his black suit and red bow tie. :grin:


My daughter had the first of her two last night; I'm gonna go again tonight. Difference is, she's a senior, so this is the last year I will have a family (and personal :grin:) interest in it. Kinda bittersweet, but the one that will REALLY get me is the final spring concert - at the end, the tradition is the band director has all of the seniors stand up, then he gives them each a hug. Seems like it was only yesterday when I first saw that and thought to myself, "in three years when it's my daughter's turn, I'm gonna lose it..."

(((sigh))) :(
Wow, marc, that tele kicks mega-ass! It's gorgeous! Love the rails and the all black hardware; GFS? Tell us how it sounds.
I put together a strat with GFS Paulownia body and GFS neck. Dimensional quality sucked, and would have returned them, but body and neck were gifts, but it was a fair bit of work to fit and finish. Sounds great though.
The idea of actually owing them money seems very unsettling.


I worked draw against commission selling PC's for a while, decades ago. I got paid, more or less, they sold product. Here, read up:

"Recoverable vs. Non-recoverable Draws

Draws can be either recoverable or non-recoverable. Recoverable draws are loans against future commissions or bonuses. Each month during the draw period, you pay your sales rep the draw amount. If your sales rep earns commissions that are less than the draw amount, you pay your rep the commissions. However you only pay enough draw so that the commissions plus the draw total the amount of the full draw. The outstanding draw amount accumulates from month to month. When earned commissions exceed the draw, use the excess commissions to repay the outstanding draw. Once the accumulated draw is repaid, all commissions are paid to the sales representative.

In the event that a sales representative leaves your company owing an outstanding draw, most companies will write off the outstanding debt. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to collect monies paid to a departed employee. Some companies will deduct the draw amount the sales rep owes from other amounts the company would normally pay, such as unused vacation, severance, etc. However, before withholding benefit payments, check with a labor attorney to ensure you meet local regulatory requirements.

Non-recoverable draws are also loans against future commissions or bonuses. However, a non-recoverable draw guarantees your sales representative a minimum level of income for each commission period. If earned commissions are less than the draw amount, your sales rep receives the draw amount. No accumulated draw is carried to the next commission period.

Recoverable draws are more advantageous for your company. Non-recoverable draws are more advantageous to your sales rep. There is a trade-off. How much risk is the sales rep willing to accept to work for your company versus how much is your company willing to pay your sales rep? "

Here's more from where this is excerpted:
Recoverable drawa. If they pay you the draw and your commission earned is less, they recover it next time you go over the draw amount.

I don't like it, not one little bit.

If not for that, I'd be all over this company. As it stands, I'm conflicted.

Working against a draw is fine so long as sales are steady...without a guaranteed minimum income I'd be very hesitant to make the move...

...can you talk to some of thecurrent employees about it?
They give you a guaranteed draw every month. You can set it wherever you want within reason.

I've talked to the guy they already have working here now. He, of course, says it's great. He's looking to help his branch grow. With only one rep, he's limited in how much support staff he gets. He wants another rep here so they'll add more service and customer service staff.
I don't consider him a reliable source in this matter. Not saying he's lying, just that I don't know.
Ya know?

Was wondering where you went jello. You been scarce.

The other thing that bugs me about it is that, as an industry, we've worked very hard to break ourselves away from the sales model and into the clinical model of service. We've been trying to get ourselves licensed and paid for our services, not simply relying on sales to make our money. This seems like a step backwards in that regard.

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