That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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Bagel. So that's what the kids are calling it nowdays?

Yah, the ones who were brought up right.

You know. The Hebrews.

I've been, like, busy and stuff.

Looks like our fall turkey hunting trip may happen this weekend. Woot!
Haven't had wild turkey for Thanksgiving in a few years.

And I'm seriously considering trying to make a trade for that parlor guitar. It's real nice.


what would you trade?

Me too... I'm continuing to practice chord tone solos in various modes... The fret board continues to grow...


I've been working out of this book:

<iframe src="" style="width:120px;height:240px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>

I've had it for a few years but never really did anything with it. It's been making sense and giving me some new vocabulary. Since so many of the symetrical ideas are sequential it's also been helping my alternate picking...
Damn, paulski. Learning new things? I'm impressed!


:) I'm impressed, too! Seems like the old synapses are still working for me... Did I mention that I have basically been playing every day for the last two years? Yup... November of 2009 was when I made up my mind to actually try and learn something after 28 years... I just hit the 30 year mark a few months back, and I am having more fun musically than I ever have...
When I get moved, I'm looking forward to driving down to the OC once in a while for some lessons... I'm still not convinced about the Skype thing... Maybe after I take a couple lessons in person to see just where I'm at and what I want to get out of lessons...
When I get moved, I'm looking forward to driving down to the OC once in a while for some lessons... I'm still not convinced about the Skype thing... Maybe after I take a couple lessons in person to see just where I'm at and what I want to get out of lessons...

That's cool paulski. Learning is always good.

I'm thinking of trading or selling my 5th avenue. With three archtops in the house, it seems kinda overkill.

I have one guy who wants my godin for $300, but he's been flaking out on me. If he doesn't take it soon, I may see what gC will do on trade.

That's cool paulski. Learning is always good.

I'm thinking of trading or selling my 5th avenue. With three archtops in the house, it seems kinda overkill.

I have one guy who wants my godin for $300, but he's been flaking out on me. If he doesn't take it soon, I may see what gC will do on trade.

Learning is good, and it seems like the better I get, the more I feel like I know less, which drives me to try and learn more... I've basically worked very little this year, so I've taken advantage of it... When I get moved, I'll be back to the grind, and won't have quite as much time on my hands...

I have come to the conclusion that I am not going to even attempt to try and learn how to hybrid pick or anything else that sets me back to a complete beginner level, and focus on improving my strengths... So, what's happening is as I listen to all kinds of stuff I can't play, it still has an influence on how I can play, and I'm finding my own way to play hillbilly metal in the vain of the chicken pickers, but flat picking, and on a super strat into a high gain amp...

So, I think what I ultimately want out of lessons is more fine tuning of what I know... Kind of like a clinic... I'll never bother to learn how to read music, as I have zero desire to do so, and at 47 years old, I am not going to do stupid exercises for hours a day... In other words, I am exploring and learning music almost constantly, but when I pick up the guitar, I really don't practice... I just play... When I was in a band, I practiced... I doubt I'll ever be in a band again, so now I get to just play!
I like Michael Hedges description of his music: Heavy Mental. I may steal that for myself. :grin:

It's weird how country music was once the most closed off to outside influences, but now seems to be one of the genres much more accepting of genre crossing than others.

I actually heard a song at the high skool footbal game that was what I can only describe as hillbilly hip hop with guitars and autotune. :embarrassed:
Not all experiments turn out well.

I've been listening to a lot of blues, too, so I'm getting more and more 12 bar riffs... The thing is, my playing doesn't sound like 12 bar blues... More like 12 bar metalbilly...
I've tried 12 bar, but it won't work with my dense lyrics. Too many words. Too many weird times and rhythms.
So I've just adapted some blues inspiration and applied it.

I like to think that, rather than copying my favorites, I need to just follow the same muse. It takes me different places than it took them, but the scenery is similar along the way.

I've been working on meaningful lyrics...

I Fucking Suck At Guitar

I fucking suck at guitar....
I fucking suck... I fucking suck...
I fucking suck at guitar....
I fucking suck... I fucking suck...

Bought a guitar to punish my ma...
She didn't seem to care...
Got me a bong to rip some pot..
Grew out my fucking hair...

Tried to be cool, pick up some chick...
I didn't have much luck...
Looked at me like a stuck up bitch..
She said you fucking suck...

I fucking suck at guitar....
I fucking suck... I fucking suck...
I fucking suck at guitar....
I fucking suck... I fucking suck...

Bought a guitar to punish my pa...
All he had to say...
What the fuck you gonna do tomorrow...
Cuz your fucking suck today...

Well I don't really give a shit...
Or even a flying fuck...
I'll be playin guitar for the rest of my life...
And I'll always fucking suck...

I fucking suck at guitar....
I fucking suck... I fucking suck...
I fucking suck at guitar....
I fucking suck... I fucking suck...
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