That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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Jello, the smell...I used vinegar and steel wool. Just smelled like vinegar.


oh...:shrug:...when I did it I used really cheap vinegar and some VERY rusty door hinges and latches...the kind of stuff that sat out in the elements for years...stank to high heaven, but turned an oak table pitch black in 30 seconds...

glad it worked for gonna do it to the tele?
I think that next year I'm going to have Kevin Nelson make me a copy of my deluxe reverb, a one channel version maybe just the normal channel and an added mid control.

His flip top tweed deluxe was the hit yesterday



Wow, I love that! I was in a 5-6 piece band once and I used to trade-off bass duties with another guitar player and we would rent a B-15 Portaflex for gigs.
oh...:shrug:...when I did it I used really cheap vinegar and some VERY rusty door hinges and latches...the kind of stuff that sat out in the elements for years...stank to high heaven, but turned an oak table pitch black in 30 seconds...

glad it worked for gonna do it to the tele?

I think so. The trans yellow is still MY favorite, but it's been panned almost universally, so I guess it must suck.
The ebonized looks pretty good, too, so it's probably the winner.
Plus, it's cheap to do.

I'm a little slow, but I finally learn, eventually... I think I've had microwave ovens for at least the last 30 years, and it only occurred to me the other day to stick the cream cheese in for 6 seconds before applying on bagel... :facepalm:
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