That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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Guten Tag

I noticed something pronounced about the Cube 40XL: Single coil sounds better - quite a bit better - thru the Cube. The vintage models anyway.
Guten Tag

I noticed something pronounced about the Cube 40XL: Single coil sounds better - quite a bit better - thru the Cube. The vintage models anyway.
Hail Woody!
But High thee to the Loudhouse, knave! For said forum is set aside for ampage discourse. This forum is but for nonsense. Or not.
Doth it purvey the decent cleans, then? Methinkest the workings of Roland should be held in higher esteem amongst the balladeers and minstrels of the land, given it's long history of loyalty to the Knights of Jazz and such. And for such paltry sums, as compared to the venerable Tubal machines.

Barkeep! HEY! Wench! Bring Woody a Yuengling! And send a pail of Yuengling to the hovels of Prages and Wein, as well, for methinks they are pooped.
anyone wann a buy a Haagstrom(sp) 8str bass?
needs new swith knob (like a toggle)
paid $800+ (no case)
will let go $400 (w/case) + shipping
plays great
but punk rocler has no need for it

cace not in best of shape
That is nice to know. I really mentioned the Cube 40 like I would my dogs, or trip to Walmart. Not a topic of focus.

Mark - I did see your thread about a new amp and thru in my 2 cents.

Hail back. We are not allowed to disucss gear here? Hmmmm...getting too complicated already.

Or not.

Or maybe. If it helps to sort things out, I'm often confused with Jimmy Chitown on HC.
Or not.
From what i know of you from HC, yer aces! Welcome, and have at it.
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No porn? WTF? I'm leaving.

But I'll just leave this here.


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