That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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I'm confused.


How did it go? What amps are you playing now? I just bought a used Carvin X100b - should see it Monday. Also picked up a new Cube 40XL - some of the voices are pretty impressive. Has a 80 second looper built in.
a fun show, that.

6 a.m. too early to start drinkin?
cuz that's what I did.
keepin' it to 3 for now though.

also doin' the "plastic over the windows" thing today for the coming winter.
already had to have the friggin' furnace on.
bollocks, I sez.
means I gotta move all my Star Wars figures.

And we all know what happened to Bill Murry when he pretended to be a zombie.

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