Stratocaster Fever

The lady doth protest too much methinks. You knew what you were gonna get here.

Yeah. Still I blame my own stupid Strat hangups. They’re the most comfortable guitar for me to play. They’re like an old shoe. They do sounds that work great for me. I am not hot on some of the general layout and features and think they are the lamest of all guitars—a big solid slab of basic bitch. Many records and players I dislike are strat based.

Intellectually and instinctively, I like teles and Jazzmasters. But I miss being able to reach for a strat when I don’t have one. I almost never like Jazzmasters when I get one. And teles are fine and wonderful and I enjoy playing them, but they’re not “home.”

I also have a bizarre and unhealthy attraction to and affinity for problematic instruments like Mustangs and SGs. I’ve mostly resolved those issues. But I seem to always be buying a strat or ridding myself of a strat.

I was hoping for HIAR to talk me out of it.
@bsman — that is a great deal. I just don’t like the pro series. I tried every single one that came off the line before I got my G&L blues boy. Not feeling those. There’s something about the current base American Fender frets + neck profile that I’m not into.
Damn you all. Secured my first sale of abandoned junk and am now $200 closer to stratification.

Enabling motherfuckers.
What did you expect from us.

FWIW, I picked up a standard HHS Strat today for $150 from a pawn shop. It needs a bit of work and it's a bit beat up, but it will be a nice Strat when I'm done with it.
That one on the right is sweet - tort and all.
that's a 2001 Jimmy Vaughan Sig. and the only non stock part IS the tort.
the pickups are very Texas hot blues, nice and spanky, and the back pickup is extra hot, almost like an overwound tele back pickup, but a little thicker.
and it has a very usable middle pickup and it has NO tone control. it's wired directly to the volume, so the 2 and 4 positions are quite zippy.
and it has the soft V neck and only 21 frets, like the real originals.
except for the 9.5" radius and the med. jumbo frets, it's so close to a real '57 it's scary.
it's a very cool strat. i got it about 4 years ago, used from GC for about $350.
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How are those vintage? I'm seeing modern fretboard, modern (i.e. two-screw) bridge. From all outward appearances, there isn't a lot on these that isn't modern???
How are those vintage? I'm seeing modern fretboard, modern (i.e. two-screw) bridge. From all outward appearances, there isn't a lot on these that isn't modern???
Ignore me. I've been adrift on the Reverb ocean for so long I've confused the American Original series with the Japanese Hybrid series. Still, I'd be totally down.

That’s a fine looking strat.

Luckily, strats are ubiquitous and I get along with a wide swath of the basic off the rack stuff so I should have options. And I’ve got enough random disused gear that I can leverage and avoid dipping into household operational funds and sparking a longform debate about financial goals/planning unrelated to wheedlely wheedle.
Oddly, for all my whining about Jazzmasters, I just love a lot of different Strats Fender makes. So many flavors, lots of them excellent.