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Morning Rick Astley lovers

I clicked but it wouldn't play in Germany as we are ze vaterland! or something like that.
Happy birthday, everyone! wave0

I've just been looking at jobs in (the Republic of) Ireland. Might be an easier way to get back than the UK route, sadly. Nothing against the Republic--it's just that none of my friend/family live there.
Did you try Craggy Island? They may have a few vacancies. Worth a look

Afternoon chaps.

Got to love finishing the working day filling out a violent incident report form :facepalm:

And this evening I get to spend it at a DJ meeting with a couple who want gold and black moodlighting :/

On the upside I've decided to start packing for the flit - prioritys first: CD's and I've come across dozens of I've not seen for years and assumed had been lost or left with various exes. :thu:
Afternoon all, first day back at work after a week off with a particularly nasty cough and cold. Not enjoying it.

Bad luck on the incident, jbj. However if you will set delinquents homework what do you expect? (I am only joking :grin:)
Ha Mo I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I handed out homework. Even in mainstream I wasn't a huge fan of it: 2 minutes of you googling, copying and pasting = hours of me going through a class and working out who has plagiarised :embarrassed:

This one is a bit different (though the kid in question did put his hands on me a month or so ago so I had to do the same form) whereby he's kicked off and then when pulled up for it, he's said I hit him. :rolleyes:

He's severely autistic (but pretty fly in many ways) so he's not always aware of the consequences of what he's doing though I do believe he knows full well that by him saying this, it'll take all of the flak away from him - nothing is EVER his fault and he's very adept at changing the subject or trying to deflect the blame away from him but this is a new one.

The school is 100% supportive and I have staff witnesses to back me up that if anything, he hit me, so I'm not too worried but it's a shitty way to end an another wise cool day where I got to do some music, show some of the kids the Fantastic Contraption game in Tech and help severe ASN kids make and eat their own breakfast as part of a little independent living course they're doing which was one of those "I should be grateful for everything I take for granted" type moments.

I suppose the teaching game would be very boring if it wasn't for the half wits that keep you on your toes.
Morning accidentally killed spies :embarrassed: :Wave:

Belated happy birthday t'huge, well done all house purchasers/movers and general greetings to anyone else. (You can tell I missed a couple of days...)
morning Tendulkar lovers :Wave:

Had one Old Peculier ale last night, had a dry mouth all morning (yes, even after drinking water and brushing my teeth).

tonight going to see Alice In Chains, which involves driving to and through Glasgow. Looking forward to the first, not the second :eek:
Morning accidentally killed spies :embarrassed: :Wave:

Belated happy birthday t'huge, well done all house purchasers/movers and general greetings to anyone else. (You can tell I missed a couple of days...)


I don't get this. Why would anyone put themselves into a bag? The police are idiots. Clearly its the men from UNCLE at work here or something. Its all bizarre.
jbj my wife is a teacher. She had been, until the beginning of this year, teaching fuckwit 11 to 16 year olds. Almost everyday shed tell me some horror story about some little shithead shouting or stealing something or other or disrupting the class.

On their work experience weeks some of them simply just didn't turn up. Making up illnesses etc and others were hours late. Its unbelievable. Whats worse is that the parents either don't give a toss or are even more stupid than their demon offspring

Anyway, since a year or so she switched schools to a primary school. She tells me its so much better. The kids are actually nice to her. She seems to have to do more work at home than with the fuckwits but she's a lot happier.
I can tell you that ivd never ever heard of this man until I heard about him on Radio 4 this morning. What a sportsman!

First century at 17 years old. Amazing stuff.
I can tell you that ivd never ever heard of this man until I heard about him on Radio 4 this morning. What a sportsman!

First century at 17 years old. Amazing stuff.

I'm honestly astounded by this. I thought that he was so well known that even the wrongest of non-cricket-lovers would have heard of him. As far I am concerned he is right up there with Jimi at the very top of my personal pantheon.