Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

Morning all :Wave: Lovely and sunny here. Having to wait in for packages expected for huge_jnr, but hope to get out and enjoy it later.

Road Wars in MASSIVE! I'll try not to be envious. Enjoy! :thu:
Jimi Hendrix (tonight BBC1) in MASSIVE?? *turning_green* :embarrassed:

Hmmm... I remain unconvinced :shrug:
I have modified my opinion; he's moved from stupid tosser to intelligent tosser. Probly.
morning storm survivors :Wave:

Sunny but cold here this morning. Also had to resort to Red Bull this morning as I was particularly tired. Reading riverting stuff about rich snippets and SEO :embarrassed:
Morning rapacious energy bosses :Wave:

I have modified my opinion; he's moved from stupid tosser to intelligent tosser. Probly.

Yup, that's about right I reckon. Self-obsessed egotist overwhelmed by his own sense of importance. Intelligent tosser for short :wink:
Morning rapacious energy bosses :Wave:

Yup, that's about right I reckon. Self-obsessed egotist overwhelmed by his own sense of importance. Intelligent tosser for short :wink:

so we are all intelligent tossers here

except me of course :embarrassed:
I don't think so. I don't need to be turned on to see in 3D.

Good morning Y-front cleaning butchers :Wave:

It's half-term for the junior Phillips's, so tomorrow the wife and I are taking them to the Jurassic coast to hunt for fossils. The small boy in particular is fascinated by all things dinosaur related, whilst his twin sister likes digging things up, so everyone wins.

Except me. We've borrowed a friend's caravan for the weekend, so I shall be struggling to erect an awning, make the heater work and finding somewhere to dry out the inevitably soaking wet boots and waterproofs that will undoubtedly be de rigeur, given the forecast for 3 days in the pissing rain :cry:

On a brighter note, fans of interesting guitar bands should check out Capsula. A 3-piece originally from Argentina, now based in Spain, they're channeling some very good influences indeed :thu:
Morning all :Wave:

Today's mission: the ma-in-law has decided that she needs to go to the shops. To buy...
... Christmas wrapping paper, sellotape and shit. Do I have to tell her (yet again) that it is OK to say "I'm bored and lonely..." :shrug:
It's half-term for the junior Phillips's, so tomorrow the wife and I are taking them to the Jurassic coast to hunt for fossils. The small boy in particular is fascinated by all things dinosaur related, whilst his twin sister likes digging things up, so everyone wins.

Except me. We've borrowed a friend's caravan for the weekend, so I shall be struggling to erect an awning, make the heater work and finding somewhere to dry out the inevitably soaking wet boots and waterproofs that will undoubtedly be de rigeur, given the forecast for 3 days in the pissing rain :cry:
A skinful of REFRESHING LAGER BEER always helps with camping practicalities, I find. I'm sure you'll have a great time. I have epic memories of a trip to Weymouth and the Dorset Coast in our VW camper van with my dad and brother when I was 10 or 11 and similarly fascinated.

Might get round to checking out Capsula later, but at the moment, inspired by last night's telly, am indulging myself in (yet another) day of Hendrix-obsession. :thu:
Hi Australians injured during sex wave0

This really is a slow week. Jon, I haunt been in a caravan since I was about 8 years old. I d love to do it again. Im not inviting myself, I meant a different caravan. As a kid I loved it. Id like to see if my kids like it and if I moan for a week about the thin walls and lack of HD TV.
A skinful of REFRESHING LAGER BEER always helps with camping practicalities, I find. I'm sure you'll have a great time. I have epic memories of a trip to Weymouth and the Dorset Coast in our VW camper van with my dad and brother when I was 10 or 11 and similarly fascinated.

Based on this undoubtedly sound advice, I shall be leaving for the dreaded Tesco to stock up with a few boxes of said REFRESHING LAGER BEER :thu:

Jon, I haunt been in a caravan since I was about 8 years old. I d love to do it again. Im not inviting myself, I meant a different caravan. As a kid I loved it. Id like to see if my kids like it and if I moan for a week about the thin walls and lack of HD TV.

You'd be welcome to join us, but the wife might not be as pleased to meet you as I would be :embarrassed:

What's nice from both of the above comments is that hopefully we should be creating some good memories for the small people. Whilst the beers should help obliterate them for me :wink:
Sounds like a fun trip though I hope it's not pissing down like it is here.

I'm loathe to go and buy a settee or anything large for this house as for all I know it could go completely tits up but I was looking at some Ikea hack sites and other stuff last night and it got me thinking about an old 2x12 cab like these but not as beat up:

Turn it on its back, couple of panes of glass if I can get them cheap enough or some perspex I can get for buttons on eBay and instead of a big pile of a speaker that is gathering dust and wasting space: I now have a funky coffee table :grin:
Morning, nazis on trial! striking university employees! wave0

Any of you do anything for Halloween?