Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

Afternoon folk.

Apparently I have shingles :s

On a less rubbish note, the boozer my huge bandamathing rehearses at has just started selling this :)

Morning Mars bound Indians :Wave:

Back from my epic weekend fossil hunting on the South coast. The kids found over 60 fossils of one description or another and a thoroughly excellent time was had by all.

I am now seriously thinking abut buying a caravan. The joy of holding up other road users on a twisty A-road is almost too perfect to explain :embarrassed:
Morning, effigy burners! wave0
jbj, aren't you off the booze or something?

Had been. Back on it now :grin: though I've started another 12 week stint where the aim is not to touch a drop during the week. Only got drunk once in the last 12 week thing I was doing which was nice but if I'm not being anti-social then I don't see a problem with a few refreshing lager beers at the weekend. Plus it's my birthday on Saturday so :embarrassed:

The Innes and Gunn one is pretty nice. Very Bavarian tasting. I think the West lager is great too. St Mungo's I've not tried enough to draw a conclusion.

But I digress. Shingles is not a result of being a jakeball - if you've ever had chicken pox, it leaves a dormant virus which can attack a nerve ending at any time and for no particular reason. Basically I've got an annoying rash on my neck for no reason which will go away on its own accord.

I've come to the conclusion that the only reason buying a house is stressful is because the wankers you have to pay to get shit done make it so. My lawyer won't give me a straight answer on exactly what she needs to confirm that I've not laundered my deposit money except "I need everything going as far back as possible." She will soon be receiving around 200 A4 pages of every transaction I've made between today and January 2009. I hope whoever has to deal with it enjoys looking up when I've put petrol in the car and got money out of the cashline before a night out for the past 5 years :embarrassed:
morning orange gloop eaters :Wave:

Went to see a bonfire and fireworks in a park nearby. Apart from the fact that it was bollocks-freezing cold, had quite a good time. There was a small fairground so my daughter had a few goes on the kids rides and there was chips to be had by all. Could have done with a few drinks to warm me up though
Hai. Can't be bothered with news headlines today. :embarrassed:

Anyways, snowing again. A bit colder now, so this time it could stick.
Looks like we're only days away from full bloody winter. :mad: :embarrassed:
Fireworks haven't been the same since they banned bangers :(

I have two days off, so today I am making a huge chilli and tomorrow I am brewing two beers in anticipation of much drinking over the next couple of months
Afternoon happy batters. :Wave:

We shall be having fireworks and beer on Saturday. the_hugette and her chap are coming up for the weekend to celebrate jbj's birthday. :thu:
I shall celebrate my birthday on Tuesday by falling asleep at the cricket club's annual general meeting. Deep joy.

On bangers: When I were a lad we used to make our own. It's not rocket science (entirely)...

... and ... Oh, go on then ...

... somebody had to do it :embarrassed:
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Afternoon happy batters. :Wave:

We shall be having fireworks and beer on Saturday. the_hugette and her chap are coming up for the weekend to celebrate jbj's birthday. :thu:
I shall celebrate my birthday on Tuesday by falling asleep at the cricket club's annual general meeting. Deep joy.

On bangers: When I were a lad we used to make our own. It's not rocket science (entirely)...

... and ... Oh, go on then ...

... somebody had to do it :embarrassed:

Got the qualified acceptance of my offer on the house in today :thu:

Apparently I'm just waiting on the bank to do their thing with the mortgage and I'm good to sign the missives. Touch wood I didn't think there was a chance in hell I'd be getting the keys by the end of November but it's looking quite likely now. :grin:

Which means I need to start packing soon :(
Morning, Toronto Mayors! wave0


Got the qualified acceptance of my offer on the house in today :thu:

Apparently I'm just waiting on the bank to do their thing with the mortgage and I'm good to sign the missives. Touch wood I didn't think there was a chance in hell I'd be getting the keys by the end of November but it's looking quite likely now. :grin:

Which means I need to start packing soon :(

Nice one, jbj. The thing that blew my mind when I bought my flat was how they handed over the keys like it was a bag of sweets or something. I was expecting some sort of big event after all of the stress/paperwork/etc, but it was just a "Here's you're keys. See you later." sort of thing.
Morning Australian Mental Runaways

When we were given the keys to our house it came with a bunch of flowers (for her) and a bottle of champagne (for me). Its a good job too as we paid the estate agent around 7000 euro. Nice fellah, but no Phil Spencer.

And congratulations JBJ!!!
Morning Gooners :Wave:

oh the joys of not having been paid because of a cock-up and therefore having to borrow money to buy petrol to get to work :mad: