Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

Morning Penners

I would have linked in a BBC story but Im

a) busy
b) can't be arsed

Anyway although its BEFORE midday, I'm now off for some lunch, because thats how I roll.
Good day derby losers. :embarrassed:

Chiling before late shift tonight. Think it finally stopped snowing as well, after a week of that white stuff constantly dropping down.
A month or so now, and spring slowly beginning. Good. :wink:
Morning all :Wave:
Have you been told you have to learn how to use it then? :grin:
:grin: Good Lord, no. One's people... :embarrassed:

I was just mad because since just before Christmas I have had a really bad run of having to spend money on replacing a dead car and a dead cooker, major repairs to tumble drier, and now this.
Afternoon folk who by another incredible fuck up on behalf of Scottish Power has been paying the bills of some plonker round the corner.

Oh wait, that would be me!!! :mad:
Hello transfer dealers

been enjoying some refreshing homebrewed beers

Well done Liverpool on your transfer dealings
Afternoon deer-head men :Wave:

Disposal of dead hookers would be no problem chez_huge; simply cut 'em up, shove the bits in a dead kitchen appliance and leave it out the back for the scrappies to cart away. :shrug:
Morning deceased actors of their generation. I've been snowboarding for a week, now back to work. Awesome :(