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Hi guys,

Just been struggling with my new sleep mask to help with my sleep apnoiea. Haven't had a decent sleep in 4 days. I am exhausted
Hi guys,

Just been struggling with my new sleep mask to help with my sleep apnoiea. Haven't had a decent sleep in 4 days. I am exhausted

That sounds like a pita. I snore badly but as far as I know sleep apnoea is not a problem.

I was rough as fuck this morning, had to drag myself of bed to go to a client meet an hour away - meeting lasted 15 minutes!!!! :mad:

Having a curer as we speak so the day is improving :grin:
Afternoon all. Work sucks donkey dick today.

Take it the whole splitting up situation you mentioned has deteriorated? Mojo.

Actually, it hasn't changed much yet. Still looking for a flat for myself, but we have agreed I am not moving until I found something decent.

Dreading not being able to see my daughter every day after I moved, and I feel sad when I think about it.

On the positive side, it will be good to have time to myself and seeing other girls :embarrassed:
Decided against my better judgement to paint the office instead of getting my dad (who's a painter and decorator by trade) to do it.

I'm not in my local 3 pints deep covered in emulsion dreading going home to do the 2nd undercoat :grin: :facepalm:
Paint turned out nice actually except for the skirting and coving I've fucked up but I'll get my dad to fix that :thu:

I'm now officially a student at Glasgow University *spit* #strathclydetillidie
I've actually got a gig in one of their unions next year. Maybe I'll let my dad do that? :grin:

Doing a masters in leadership in education PMC.

£300 a year in fees and I need to turn up to 2 out of the 3 seminars they hold each year :eek: :grin:

I was actually getting a bit anxious about it until I bumped into an ex who teaches primary. She said it was a doddle and she's dumb as fuck (hence why she teaches colouring in and playing with sand ) so its all good :grin:
So I found myself a nice flat, going to move end of the month. It will be strange renting a place by myself after 8 years living with a partner, but at least I wont have constant arguments :embarrassed:
No matter what, you'll always have the voices in your head. :embarrassed:
