Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

Had another day in the sun here btw, it's getting luxurious, this can't last :embarrassed: One week before I head to England. For now I'm having a great time with these 24 hour light days drinking every night and using ridiculous amounts of paska, perkele and saatana.
Schools finish up tomorrow. I'm so knackered I've not even made plans to go out after it. :-/
Sooo, my aunt visited last week, she left today. As did my GF. Suddenly it's very quiet and uneventful here :embarrassed:

But, just a week before I head to NL and England. Holiday mode is fully activated, time to enjoy my last month of freedom before I have to slave away at university :embarrassed:
Todays lunch consists of a tin of lager and last night's left over curry. School holidays must have begun :embarrassed:
Fucking mental - I honestly think at this point we should just scrap FIFA and start something fresh - it's a bad day when the governing body of a sport makes boxing look above board...

But i digress.

Todays lunch consisted of a bottle of Aldi prosecco and what remained of a block of cheese :embarrassed:

Got my outdoor tap fixed so the hot tub shall be ready to go out as soon as the weather is dry enough. We're expecting that to be some time in 2018 :embarrassed: