Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

Afternoon all. wave0

@ColourofFire - think I might still have some original Drachmas from when I went as a kid. Might need 'em depending how f*cked up this situation gets.
Feck me, it's hot and humid. Just went for a run and i must have left a sweat trail :rolleyes:
Morning all :Wave:
Deep joy; the bathroom is ready for painting. It's time to remove the foreman's cap and roll one's sleeves up. Up the workers!!!
Is it time for a brew yet?
Morning, all. wave0

Congrats, the_huge.

I hear its so hot over there that the train tracks are warping.
So apparently we had a major thunderstorm going on last night. I was blissfully unaware and slept through the whole thing :embarrassed:
Afternoon (just) all :Wave:

Just established that BT will not be able to provide us with the broadband speeds that we have become accustomed to at the new house so we are going to have to reluctantly switch to one of the cable providers. This will mean that I will need to migrate my ****** email accounts to a web-based service.
Do any of you good people have any recommendations for one to use (or ones to avoid)?
Got a message from big brother Thomas. He's getting a dog. Meet wee Romer:

I've been watching Luther, season 3. What city do they film in?

I've always thought it was London, but when they show shots of a skyline in the background, I've never recognized any landmarks.
Morning all :Wave:

Nobody (here or elsewhere) having advanced a cogent argument for (or against) any particular web mail provider, I shall probably pick the first one where I can register an acceptable account name.

Gmail is good. As long as you don't mind the NSA reading your emails. :embarrassed:
Pah! The white horse is resting in the paddock. Auntie Mary's cakes are nearly ready.
Morning, chaps. wave0

We're moving house this coming Friday. A day has been taken off work, a moving company (some guys with a van) has been booked. Yes, we're heading to the UK a month later, but we're moving somewhere temporarily for a month before that happens. It belongs to family, so it takes the pressure off when it comes time to leave (if we want to leave stuff there till next time we're over, etc.) Plus our current lease is up in about a week.

ANYWAY, apparently there are THREE typhoons heading towards Taiwan at the moment, and at least two of them are due to hit on... Friday. :facepalm:
