Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

Hello Mo! What's all this I hear about you fraternising with the Colonials? Just remember, drink plenty of tea and probably best to take some HP with you.

:grin: The fuckers employ me now so I have to visit Boston fairly regularly. It's a quite a Euro feeling city actually, it's walkable! :love:
Morning slags.

Got my interview for this behavioyral school and I've woke up feeling ready to take on the world which I suppose is a good thing :)

Had my new PA out for the first time on Saturday. It's all very voodoo but something that easilly fits in your cars front seat was more than capable of the job for 150 in a reasonably large room.
You should try starting Mondays the way I am - in your skivvys doing power confidence poses in front of the mirror :grin: :embarrassed:


Fortunately my brain is so busy denying the fact it is Monday that I have managed to avoid getting a mental image of that! :grin:
Morning Friends (ok ok acquaintances)

Just received a whatsapp message from a work colleague that starts off with a woman lifting her bra up but then turns into a very graphic gay orgy.

Not quite sure what to think of that!

I received a catalogue from one of Germanys largest music shops at the weekend. I can't afford a decent guitar but I'm soooooo tempted just to order a cheap one. Theresa a massive range available for about 50 euro. All look good.

Might be shit but then I might be lucky. Thing is though I need new cymbals for my drums too. Mine really look like a battalion of tanks has driven over them and then shot at them, for good measure.

Basically, I need more money.
Morning all :Wave:
Monday is taking-ma-in-law-to-the-rat-poisoner-day most weeks. This one is no exception. Deep joy.
Morning Friends (ok ok acquaintances)

Just received a whatsapp message from a work colleague that starts off with a woman lifting her bra up but then turns into a very graphic gay orgy.

Not quite sure what to think of that!

I received a catalogue from one of Germanys largest music shops at the weekend. I can't afford a decent guitar but I'm soooooo tempted just to order a cheap one. Theresa a massive range available for about 50 euro. All look good.

Might be shit but then I might be lucky. Thing is though I need new cymbals for my drums too. Mine really look like a battalion of tanks has driven over them and then shot at them, for good measure.

Basically, I need more money.

So after the schools being back here for 10 weeks it looks like I'm finally getting a history timetable and probably guaranteed for the year at that :thu:

Will be a proper spanner in the works if tbe delinquent school I interviewed for yesterday offer me a job as that one is permanent :shrug:

Anyway how are you all you tajjing tajjers? Havent received any cards or presents from you for my impending 30th yet. Sure they'll start trickling in over the next week :tongue:
I baked you a cake :embarrassed:

I don't like hundreds and thousands :mad:

I bet you reek of pish just like Mary Berry clearly does too :embarrassed:
Oi oi I'm off to try and put up a garden shed before it gets dark :Wave:

Didn't get the job in the spongo school which I'm clearly distraught about but one shitey handled door closes and another gold plated one opens - looks like I'm being head hunted to do History elsewhere until the Summer at least :)