5th lesson this morning and it was great. I'm getting my arm up further than I ever thought I would and my numbers were pretty good.
Some drills to work on for my head movement and forward swing for next time. Once O get those locked down I'll be ready for the tour
The video playback comparing even last lesson to now is night and day, he then did a side by side with my first lesson and it looks like a different golfer. A pal who has golfed for 40+ years totally wrote off these lessons "you learn on the course, not with a big computer screen etc..." I'm going to record the playbacks on my phone next time so he can see how big an improvement I've made with just a handful of lessons.
i've wanted to video my swing on a range or someplace, but around here they want between $75 and $100 per hour, and that's just WAY out of my range, especially for "pro's" around toledo ohio. if they were really any good, they'd be making money playing, not running some crappy local golf course.