On the road!

I spotted a well used and tired-looking Bentley Silver Cloud out for a morning drive today. Good for him.

Stopped at my Credit Union yesterday, and as I was getting out of my car, a baby blue Citroen DS pulled into the apartment complex entrance/exit next door to turn around and go back the way it had come from.

I can't imagine trying to get parts for a Citroen DS here in the US ! :messedup:

Going to Wikipedia, based on the headlights it was roughly a '72.
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A few weekends ago, I saw a spit-window ‘vette on the highway. I couldn’t get a pic though.
Later that week, on the return trip, I followed this out onto the highway.


Last weekend, we did some country market shopping and this was parked next to us when we came out to the lot.

Heading into Battle Creek, a black Lamborghini pulled out of a side road and got behind me. Not the latest & greatest Lamborghini.... the Aventador or however you spell it, but the model that came before that.
Huracan ??
If that's the older model, then yes.

When it pulled out and got behind me I wasn't sure if it was a MacLaren or a Lamborghini...they kinda look similar. Had to slow down for a left turn at the first traffic light heading into the city, and the Lambo went straight. I could make out the 'L-A-M-B-O' part of the script on the rear end as it passed me. I've seen a few Aventador's, and this wasn't one, definitely an older model but still had the pointy nose.
Odd to see this just parked daily on the streets in Germany. What exactly is it? First guess was an AMC Javelin, but modified.


But now I see the swells aren't as extreme. Barracuda?