Live to wine
Yes, yes, no, yes, no
the house votes to take away healthcare for millions but of course has a line in there to keep obamacare for them and their families. you rubes can just die bc you are poor but we need a good plan.
well, we can't be having our overlords be sick on us.the house votes to take away healthcare for millions but of course has a line in there to keep obamacare for them and their families. you rubes can just die bc you are poor but we need a good plan.
well, we can be having our overlords be sick on us.
when the fuck are the people who voted for this/these assholes finally going to realize that the gop are nothing more than robber barons?
how much do they have to loose before they pull their head out of their collective asses?
Most members of congress are millionaires. They’re not using Obamacare plans. They’re buying themselves a really nice plan for emergencies and seeing doctors who don’t accept insurance and charge patients a monthly fee just to enter the waiting room.
This makes me so angry and sad at the same time. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/331902-trump-eases-ban-on-political-activity-by-churches
The war on true liberty and democracy escalates. Hey, let's let churches engage in politics and hate speech now!This makes me so angry and sad at the same time. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/331902-trump-eases-ban-on-political-activity-by-churches
Maybe pigs will fly out of my butt.The war on true liberty and democracy escalates. Hey, let's let churches engage in politics and hate speech now!
Perhaps today marks the beginning of mass agnosticism.
Maybe pigs will fly out of my butt.
i'm pretty sure that it NOT fake.#fakewhiteboardnews!