I have type II bipolar disorder and I’ve been reading a book by the psychiatrist who first diagnosed the condition back in the 70s and 80s. It was written in 2006 and the author listed Donald Trump as an example of a highly successful person who probably has Bipolar II. Bipolar II is characterized by hypomanic states that last for months or years. A hypomanic person Lots of energy, decreased need for sleep, risky behavior, flights of thought (randomly saying things that is only slightly associated with each other), charismatic center-of-attention behavior. Thing is, in some people the state almost never ends, and their depressed state is just coming down to the energy level of a normal person. They tend to excel in life and the doctor who first dianosed the condition was mostly working with wealthy and successful New Yorkers. It’s Trump in a nutshell.
not a very good condition for a (so-called) president to have. especially the risky behavior and flights of thought. and really especially combined with his utter disdain for truthfulness or complete lack of ethics.