OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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"To Americans, democracy is a given. But to the rest of the world, it’s a fairly recent invention — a creature of the past two centuries."

Uh, the United States is only 241 years old, so American democracy is not much older than two centuries.

Old, in this case, means the 93-year-old spinster aunt who's nearly blind but still has her licence and drives around town way under the speed limit while bitching about everyone else's driving.
Ignoring Sessions' contempt of Hawaii and how our legal system actually works for a few moments, the administration is getting ready to double down on cutting funding for police and law enforcement efforts in that war against the bad hombres from southern lands.

But the document also ordered Justice Department officials to consider a wide array of activity where local law enforcement relies on help from the federal government, including grants, technical assistance and training, and participation in task forces.

Those task forces bring local and federal authorities together to crack down on violent crime, human trafficking and terrorism. The partnerships facilitate sharing of information about crime trends and policing strategies.

"If you're not cooperating with the federal government, you're going to lose grant money," Sessions recently told a Fox News host. "We're going to battle on them every step of the way. We're going to put pressure on these cities. And it's just important for America and the people in these cities."
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Ignoring Sessions' contempt of Hawaii and how our legal system actually works for a few moments, the administration is getting ready to double down on cutting funding for police and law enforcement efforts in that war against the bad hombres from southern lands.

But the document also ordered Justice Department officials to consider a wide array of activity where local law enforcement relies on help from the federal government, including grants, technical assistance and training, and participation in task forces.

Those task forces bring local and federal authorities together to crack down on violent crime, human trafficking and terrorism. The partnerships facilitate sharing of information about crime trends and policing strategies.

"If you're not cooperating with the federal government, you're going to lose grant money," Sessions recently told a Fox News host. "We're going to battle on them every step of the way. We're going to put pressure on these cities. And it's just important for America and the people in these cities."
I teach someone who is a federal agent (actually a highly placed one) and he was happy that Trump was in since "Obama only spent money on law enforcement for civil rights and now we'l finally get funding".

I wonder how thats going to work out.
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Berkeley Reschedules Coulter, but She Vows to Speak on Original Date

what does this bitch not understand? the security of the campus and staff and students is FAR more important that her venomous wingnut drivel.
get the fuck over yourself. the world isn't revolving around you.

i kinda hope she does show up at the previously scheduled day and time....and is then is asked to leave the campus and when she refuses is arrested for tresspassing.
Ignoring Sessions' contempt of Hawaii and how our legal system actually works for a few moments, the administration is getting ready to double down on cutting funding for police and law enforcement efforts in that war against the bad hombres from southern lands.

But the document also ordered Justice Department officials to consider a wide array of activity where local law enforcement relies on help from the federal government, including grants, technical assistance and training, and participation in task forces.

Those task forces bring local and federal authorities together to crack down on violent crime, human trafficking and terrorism. The partnerships facilitate sharing of information about crime trends and policing strategies.

"If you're not cooperating with the federal government, you're going to lose grant money," Sessions recently told a Fox News host. "We're going to battle on them every step of the way. We're going to put pressure on these cities. And it's just important for America and the people in these cities."

and more federalization of the cops. and the creep towards full on fascism continues forward, while the people plunge their heads in the sand.
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