OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Actual released statement:

"The Trump administration has notified Congress that Iran is complying with the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal negotiated by former President Barack Obama, and says the U.S. has extended the sanctions relief given to the Islamic republic in exchange for curbs on its atomic program."

That must have burned like hell to make that statement, I'm surprised it got made tbh.
you will note that tweeto cheeto DID NOT make the statement.....the words did not come out of his mouth, thus burning someone else's mouth. :)

Tucker Carlson gets Bill O'Reilly's spot. In other news, Jon Stewart is choking his cat right now. :lol:

Wow, social justice activists sure accomplished a lot with that boycott campaign. Good thing they weren’t busy with something like fund-raising or voter registration for the 2018 election. But at least rich white guys have learned that their employers can only protect them for twenty years before they finally get a golden parachute and shareholders eat the damage.
you will note that tweeto cheeto DID NOT make the statement.....the words did not come out of his mouth, thus burning someone else's mouth. :)
Never said he did, wouldn't have expected it, probably would have had a heart attack if I ever saw it happen.

To win the game you only need to average 3.3 yards per play ideally. I'll take anything we can get right now.

Can't imagine why the world is losing faith in democracy. America has done it so well. Ok, there was the slavery thing. And that time we stole most of the country from the people who lived there and sent them to die on reservations that were often just patches of desert. Not to mention the gilded age being built on exploitation of immigrants who had come for a better life. Or all those times we undermined other democratic governments to protect our business interests. The wars in Vietnam and Iraq. And now a dysfunctional political system combined with growing income inequality that threatens to split the nation. Yup, America is a great example of how Democracy works out for everybody.
Can't imagine why the world is losing faith in democracy. America has done it so well. Ok, there was the slavery thing. And that time we stole most of the country from the people who lived there and sent them to die on reservations that were often just patches of desert. Not to mention the gilded age being built on exploitation of immigrants who had come for a better life. Or all those times we undermined other democratic governments to protect our business interests. The wars in Vietnam and Iraq. And now a dysfunctional political system combined with growing income inequality that threatens to split the nation. Yup, America is a great example of how Democracy works out for everybody.

Sounds to me like you really have a problem with capitalism, not democracy.
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