OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Yeah, the process of electing leaders to represent you is a good one. Giving them the ability to accept large amounts of cash from businesses is not. Get the money out of politics and democracy would be great.

The Bulletboys pretty well covered this back in 89.

Yeah, the process of electing leaders to represent you is a good one. Giving them the ability to accept large amounts of cash from businesses is not. Get the money out of politics and democracy would be great.
the money WAS out of politics (compared to now) until reagan, bush 1, clinton, bush 2 and now worse than ever.....tweeto cheeto.
it's likely going to take a complete collapse of our system and country before people will stand up and say no more......well.....whomever is still around, that is.
White House plans Obamacare showdown next week

"According to a draft of the tentative deal obtained by POLITICO, the latest proposal would allow states to apply for "limited waivers" that would undermine Obamacare's protections for pre-existing conditions. Under these waivers, states could opt out of Obamacare standards setting minimum benefits that health plans must offer and a requirement — called community rating — forbidding insurers from charging different prices to people based on health status. Both are provisions that the GOP’s ultraconservatives have pushed to eliminate as part of the repeal effort, contending that these coverage mandates drive up the cost of insurance.

States opting out of the community rating rules would be forced to set up separate insurance pools, known as high-risk pools, where people priced out of the private market could purchase coverage.

At the same time, the deal would allow states the option of maintaining insurance protections, supported by centrist Republicans, including community rating.

MacArthur said in a statement Thursday that he has insisted during the discussions that any compromise have protections for pre-existing conditions.
But Democrats and outside progressive groups said the deal would undermine those protections and allow insurers to charge sick people dramatically higher premiums.

"This latest rehash of Trumpcare is nothing more than a desperate effort to deliver a political win for President Trump after his disastrous first 100 days," said Democratic Sen. Patty Murray of Washington state."

what was it that Rush Limbaugh used to say, several times a day?

Just an aside but it makes me absolutely fuckin' sick every time I see a photo of this imbecile sitting in the Oval Office.
who is excited about the govt shutdown next week?

going to happen exactly on day 100 of trumps term. trump wants billions for his wall and is desperate for "wins" in his first 100 days. no one in congress is on board with that kind of spending.

should be a pretty sad thing to watch considering how much we pay these fools and how much better off we should be doing.
who is excited about the govt shutdown next week?

going to happen exactly on day 100 of trumps term. trump wants billions for his wall and is desperate for "wins" in his first 100 days. no one in congress is on board with that kind of spending.

should be a pretty sad thing to watch considering how much we pay these fools and how much better off we should be doing.
he's back to trying to jam the trumpcare-less health care bill thru again, before 100th day. and it's just as shitty as the last two versions.
hopefully the moderate gop's and the teabagger gop's will be at war again, and nothing will get done. thank goodness for the obstructionist republicans. :facepalm:
who is excited about the govt shutdown next week?

going to happen exactly on day 100 of trumps term. trump wants billions for his wall and is desperate for "wins" in his first 100 days. no one in congress is on board with that kind of spending.

should be a pretty sad thing to watch considering how much we pay these fools and how much better off we should be doing.

I mean, 1995 was a pretty good year for me. I could deal with re-living it.
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