OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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so, if dumpster had his way about 3 or 4 months ago, obama would own his ass today over the whole """""""wiretapping""""""" bullshit.
what a fucking idiot. does he even think about what he's saying?

Can Trump Change Libel Laws?

“I’m going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money,” Mr. Trump said. “We’re going to open up those libel laws. So when The New York Times writes a hit piece which is a total disgrace or when The Washington Post, which is there for other reasons, writes a hit piece, we can sue them and win money instead of having no chance of winning because they’re totally protected.”
Well, and generally crimes (criminal, penalties and prove restitution) and torts (civil, sue for damages) are state law. Though some federal laws doe exist, it is more a state courts thing.

Oh and remember, Ryan is saying "we" are giving rights back to the states. I saw it on Fox this morning in a lobby of somewhere. So, not sure how Trump plans to change "libel" laws without impacting the states' rights to determine that for themselves. And yes, I realize the GOP is already hugely hypocritical on that point.
We need an "Oklahoma" tag:

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"I understand that they feel like that is their body. I feel like it is a separate — what I call them is, is you’re a ‘host.’ And you know when you enter into a relationship you’re going to be that host and so, you know, if you pre-know that then take all precautions and don’t get pregnant."

Take all precautions? You mean like birth control? Sorry, can't get that because it's a sin and you closed all the Planned Parenthood clinics, you fuckwit.
"I understand that they feel like that is their body. I feel like it is a separate — what I call them is, is you’re a ‘host.’ And you know when you enter into a relationship you’re going to be that host and so, you know, if you pre-know that then take all precautions and don’t get pregnant."

Take all precautions? You mean like birth control? Sorry, can't get that because it's a sin and you closed all the Planned Parenthood clinics, you fuckwit.

i think "precautions" for him would be maybe condoms or squeezing yer knees together or something.:grin:
"I understand that they feel like that is their body. I feel like it is a separate — what I call them is, is you’re a ‘host.’ And you know when you enter into a relationship you’re going to be that host and so, you know, if you pre-know that then take all precautions and don’t get pregnant."

Take all precautions? You mean like birth control? Sorry, can't get that because it's a sin and you closed all the Planned Parenthood clinics, you fuckwit.

Well if the woman is a host, that would mean the embryo is a parasite. So now I guess they are going to try and stop people from getting rid of tape worm too.
Well if the woman is a host, that would mean the embryo is a parasite. So now I guess they are going to try and stop people from getting rid of tape worm too.

Nah, getting rid of tapeworm is cool. As long as you view an ultrasound and listen to a talk from a helminthologist first. And get a release from your mom and dad.
That story originally came from The Wall Street Journal. I wonder what Trump did to piss Rupert Murdoch off. I thought they were best buddies.

Murdoch seems to leave the news operation at WSJ alone. Only the op-ed page got crazier after the buyout.

Nice to see Flynn turning rat so quickly. I bet a lot of Trump campaign staff are talking to lawyers tonight.
Murdoch seems to leave the news operation at WSJ alone. Only the op-ed page got crazier after the buyout.

Nice to see Flynn turning rat so quickly. I bet a lot of Trump campaign staff are talking to lawyers tonight.

again.....he could pull an ollie north. agree to testify and then have no recollection of anything.
again.....he could pull an ollie north. agree to testify and then have no recollection of anything.

True. It all depends on how the prosecutor writes the deal. If a legitimately independent prosecutor handles Flynn the deal won't allow for that. If Flynn cuts a deal with Nunes or somebody picked by Sessions it's probably going to let him say nothing. Hopefully the FBI will cut the deal and then go silent to see who else will crack.
True. It all depends on how the prosecutor writes the deal. If a legitimately independent prosecutor handles Flynn the deal won't allow for that. If Flynn cuts a deal with Nunes or somebody picked by Sessions it's probably going to let him say nothing. Hopefully the FBI will cut the deal and then go silent to see who else will crack.

the FBI??? do you KNOW who the director IS??
I would like to see some numbers on this. I still have my doubts, given the electoral situation in the rust belt states, that this tipped the election. Numbers, if verifiable, could prove me wrong.

And, well, I will say again, speaking for myself only, that my decision for my primary vote, before I conceded victory to the other candidate and worked hard for her, was based on comparing voting records, and proposed policies/platforms, both of which were verifiable from good sources, and from the candidates themselves. The decision was not based on hoky stories that to me were obviously fake, such as body doubles and attempted hits. It is sad that there is a segment of the population vulnerable to this. Oh, and I was never particularly "anti'Hilary" though she was not my favorite candidate. I preferred the policies of another.
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