The two sides are very different despite arguments to the contrary. One side generally does not fear differing opinions or religion, education, the standards of journalism, irrational and disproved/unfounded accusations, and much more. The other side got behind a candidate that blatantly used hate and fear in a manner not unlike Hitler. I don't think he's as bad as Hitler and I don't believe he wants to great "concentration" (i.e.: death) camps, but the are a stunning amount of his supporters completely bought that rhetoric.
To Johnny, I've never met anyone that has suggested, let alone said anything as ridiculous as all Republicans are racists, but I have met people that have expressed a notion not dissimilar to all Democrats and liberals being atheists and in some way evil. How does someone with a half a brain even get to that point? It shows extreme religious intolerance. Conversely intolerance of bigotry is hardly something to get angry about. People have their right to bigotry, prejudice, hatred, and even racism, but being disgusted by and disagreeing with that isn't an attack.
The left fringe is angry and dejected, but violence is not part of their agenda...most of them hate guns. The Right fringe includes groups like the KKK and other white supremacy organizations that generally claim to also be Christian. Holy fucking contradiction Batman! People that weren't even part of these organizations seemed ready to go after people at Trump's beck and call. This seems rather similar to the idea that the media was somehow against Trump when merely reporting on what he said and did, but the endless harping on the essentially non-issue of Clinton's emails made up something like 75% or more of the coverage on her. I know tons of folks have been seemingly brainwashed into the emails were and issue, but it's clear they weren't (regardless of whether or not everyone is happy about the fact).
Science is not some godless evil, but as mentioned many private institutions related to "conservative" principles act and teach as if it is. Conversely, there are no established atheist institutions in this country. Marist and Georgetown were founded by and still by Catholic brotherhoods (Jesuit and Franciscan monks) and they accept students from every religion (and provide services on campus to accommodate these various faiths) AND have massive science departments/programs. Religion is not rejection of science and science and a broad education are not a rejection of religion. Freedom of religion affords people the opportunity to not practice a religion. And atheists by the very definition of who they are cannot be agents of a non-existent embodiment of evil...one that is supposedly (based on some translations and adaptations of holy books) a fallen angel of a god in whom they also do not believe.
As someone raised to find my own path and not be forced to follow or believe anything that didn't ring true, I've come to be liberal. However, I was clearly directed in certain areas, in that I was not led to believe I was better than anyone NOR that anyone else was/is better than me. I've always been good with the first part, but struggle with the second all of the time. I was taught not to disparaged others based on any aspect of their being. As touched upon above, I was raised to find only one thing to be intolerable...intolerance. That said, I am under no presumption that this makes it the right way to have been raised, but I can't imagine raising children any differently. It is the way I'm raising my children. My wife and I try to expose to as many different experiences as possible: art, culture, food, etc. I would never tell them that they couldn't: play with certain kids (unless they're assholes...the other kids that is
), like and maybe love someone for any reason, be who they really feel they are or want to be (unless they want to hurt other people), or express their thoughts and feelings on a topic. Similarly I would not allow them to exclude others for doing the same OR for being different.
This year we only had one candidate and party run on a message of exclusion, intolerance, fear, and hate. I need to believe everyone here was disgusted by this, but the election has show us that just under half of us are at least tacitly okay with this message. That fucking sucks.
Sorry for another rant. I'm slowly weaning myself from this thread. All the best.