OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Clinton will not be prosecuted for her email server. The only LAWS that might have been broken by her or her staff is mishandling of documents that weren't classified at the time, but should have been treated as sensitive.

"Sensitive", in the context of government security, is a far cry from "top secret".

David Patraeus committed a far more serious crime when he let his mistress/biographer view top secret documents, and he only got a slap on the wrists. If the FBI tries to prosecute Clinton, there'd be massive allegations of partisan politics. There's already the shadow of Trey Gowdy's staffer admitting that the Benghazi committee's real purpose was to keep the Benghazi/Clinton connection in the public eye during the election cycle.
One more thought. I started this thread because I was so fed up with FB hatefests and memes and idiocy on that feed. I did not intend to actually discuss politics, but simply to vent that I was fed up with the FB stuff. However, it morphed into this discussion, and my experience here has been pretty much the opposite of what I was complaining about. Thanks everyone.
I did not intend to actually discuss politics, but simply to vent that I was fed up with the FB stuff. However, it morphed into this discussion, and my experience here has been pretty much the opposite of what I was complaining about. Thanks everyone. i like t0 think that we have some modicum of respect for each other.....whereas FB does not.
I'd like to thank everyone for keeping this thread (mostly) civil. We have a "no politics" rule here on the forum because typically political and religious threads turn into complete shitstorms on any and every forum I've ever participated in but the fact that you guys can disagree so vehemently on some things and still discuss them civilly in this thread makes me happy. Officially this thread is against the rules but I wanted to see how it worked out since we live in such politically charged times and at the core of it this is a community of friends and acquaintances who meet almost regularly....I see you guys online more than I see my own friends or extended family.

So thank you again for keeping it cool and carry on.


Clinton will not be prosecuted for her email server. The only LAWS that might have been broken by her or her staff is mishandling of documents that weren't classified at the time, but should have been treated as sensitive.

"Sensitive", in the context of government security, is a far cry from "top secret".

David Patraeus committed a far more serious crime when he let his mistress/biographer view top secret documents, and he only got a slap on the wrists. If the FBI tries to prosecute Clinton, there'd be massive allegations of partisan politics. There's already the shadow of Trey Gowdy's staffer admitting that the Benghazi committee's real purpose was to keep the Benghazi/Clinton connection in the public eye during the election cycle.

There is speculation that they might be looking into The Clinton Fund, which depending on what they find would have a whole different set of ramifications.
There is speculation that they might be looking into The Clinton Fund, which depending on what they find would have a whole different set of ramifications.
well....that WOULD be interesting. that fund ties an awful lot of very powerful people together and shit tons of money, not all necessarily ethical.
One more thought. I started this thread because I was so fed up with FB hatefests and memes and idiocy on that feed. I did not intend to actually discuss politics, but simply to vent that I was fed up with the FB stuff. However, it morphed into this discussion, and my experience here has been pretty much the opposite of what I was complaining about. Thanks everyone.
I post silly, childish memes because humor is the best way to deal with an insane situation.

And because I'm silly and childish. party0009 mockery-035
I post silly, childish memes because humor is the best way to deal with an insane situation.
And because I'm silly and childish. party0009 mockery-035

you mean like this one? :grin:

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The question was phrased to provoke agreement by suggesting that A entire Muslim neighborhoods will become radicalized, B that Muslim neighborhoods are already insecure, and C that police lack the power to deal with radicalism. If the pollsters wanted good data it would have been “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Law enforcement should seek out radical Muslims by focusing patrols on Muslim neighborhoods.”
The question was phrased to provoke agreement by suggesting that A entire Muslim neighborhoods will become radicalized, B that Muslim neighborhoods are already insecure, and C that police lack the power to deal with radicalism. If the pollsters wanted good data it would have been “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Law enforcement should seek out radical Muslims by focusing patrols on Muslim neighborhoods.”

The question was posed exactly as it was phrased by Ted Cruz, which was obviously the point of the poll.
There is speculation that they might be looking into The Clinton Fund, which depending on what they find would have a whole different set of ramifications.

There's undoubtedly much to be uncovered there, but no real smoking gun. If the feds go after the Clintons for something related to the Clinton Fund with no smoking gun, Bill and Hillary can keep it tied up in the courts for decades. Far too long to matter.

And, if Clinton does win the general, woe be unto he who is on the wrong side of that investigation.
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