OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I actually think he thinks it's more like marketing and public relations materials. That it's purpose is more about publicity and branding than informing. I bet he reads newspaper (regardless of the actual medium) about as frequently as Palin.
See, the word salads I spewed without any actual facts or information in them made me go up in the interwebz polls! See? I'm huge, great, amazing, tremendous!
Someone posted a video by this Professor Fukiyama regarding anti-intellectualism. I clicked on another one of the vids from the same interview, and it seemed pretty fascinating in terms of what we are experiencing right now. Take a look.

I am watching some longer stuff that was also in the list of other vids that seems interesting to me. He is one of those intellectual experts and all. :wink: and some of what he says hearkens back to studying poly sci and econ long ago. So it is a little fun nerding out for me.

It would be cool to read his latest book, but it would be a pretty big read. Still, might be worth chipping away at it.

Note, he served under Reagan, and had some neo-conservative-ish views, which he moved away from under the Bush years, before supporting Obama. Pretty interesting path.
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I like this screencap.
Yes but it won't matter. Trump and these slimeballs are handing the Dems massive stockpiles of ammunition that they can use for years and years. They won't. Either due to lack of imagination or apathy.

Sadly, I think it's actually based on a somewhat sincere attempt to keep the political discourse focused on the issues. This is not to say that it works at all, but in the last couple of decades the GOP candidates have been the first to attack, and they go after everything. The first chance to focus the discussion on an opponent's lifestyle, family, morals, ethics, etc. is launched with vigor. More often than not the dems only react defensively. Many dems/libs avoid the personal attacks altogether and try to focus on policy issues and voting records of their opponents, which has proven to be virtually ineffective.

But I still don't think really understands journalism. He thinks it's something you can direct and dictate as opposed to to being a report on actual events (words spoken, actions taken, and the the like). To this, it's his threats and actual filed lawsuits against journalists, newspaper, and networks over the years that with no regard for the fact that he cannot legally prove libel or slander when they are factually reporting his words and actions. I think his understanding of journalism is murky at best.

Basically he's a fucking tool. I apologize, tools have a use/function.

Had to add this...

I am well aware that some horrible political battles have been based on mutual and endless attacks and some have been started by the dem/lib side while the GOPer took and stuck to the high road...I'm just talking about on the average.
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He probably understands it. He just doesn't value it, and probably hates it. He only cares about ratings.

He understands it, he loves it. He's filing the lawsuit (which he knows will never go anywhere) just to keep the controversy going.

For a narcissist the likes of Donald Trump, there is no such thing as bad publicity. He seems to be simply incapable of viewing himself in a negative light.
Yes but it won't matter. Trump and these slimeballs are handing the Dems massive stockpiles of ammunition that they can use for years and years. They won't. Either due to lack of imagination or apathy.
Well, it doesn't matter. But the fact that they can't just own it and stick to their "stand" is infuriating that we have such spineless creatures representing us. Principles are for losers I guess.

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He understands it, he loves it. He's filing the lawsuit (which he knows will never go anywhere) just to keep the controversy going.

For a narcissist the likes of Donald Trump, there is no such thing as bad publicity. He seems to be simply incapable of viewing himself in a negative light.

I need to believe that you're giving him too much credit...I literally need to. My head will explode if he's the master manipulator of the fourth estate and they're too dumb to notice or worse don't care as long as folks are reading/listening/watching...

Fuck, they don't care as long as they're making money...

I'm glad I didn't go into journalism, despite my BA.

This apocalypse sucks. Heh heh. Change it, fart knocker.

I have started to seriously consider that the LHC at CERN has done some kind of weirdo reality shift. It is like we're trapped inside the plot line for a particularly dumb young adult dystopian series.
And that is why he is in this election. He makes money, they make money, Clinton gets elected, everyone is happy.

Maybe not making money this year is part of his plan.
The Trump Taj Mahal is closing and most Trump hotels have had a yuuge loss in occupancy and profit the last 8 months.

This apocalypse sucks. Heh heh. Change it, fart knocker.

I have started to seriously consider that the LHC at CERN has done some kind of weirdo reality shift. It is like we're trapped inside the plot line for a particularly dumb young adult dystopian series.

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