OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Link that gives a visual representation to only 9% of America choosing Trump and Clinton as the nominees.
That's pretty sad, but I suspect it's been that way for many election seasons. I take little joy from the fact that I was in the white zone at the bottom (Voters for other primary candidates).

I think the Republican side was too diluted with candidates, so enough Trump supporters showed up to give him the wins he needed while the others cut the pie into tiny pieces. If the GOP takes nothing else away from this election season, it should be to limit the number of candidates in the future. I have no idea if they can actually do that though.

On the Dem's side, well, we all know what happened there. Two words: DNC and Super Delegates. (OK technically 2 words and an acronym.)
I'm really looking forward to the day when we start understanding what the hell happened, what led to this situation.

What happened is fairly easy to explain. Two separate tracks of political motion converged in 2015 to give us what we have.

Several years ago, we started throwing incumbents out of Congress because we were tired of their corrupt, duplicitous system of Washington politics. The new folks came to Washington truly believing that they were charged with doing the will of their electorate. What we didn't realize was that the old system, while corrupt and duplicitous, worked. The "old boys" network in Congress may have been ugly, but it allowed Congress to function. Deals were made, asses were covered, and shit got done.

The new batch's priority was represent their electorate, which they quickly realized meant the people who elected them: their party. This was particularly influencing for the Republican party, since the Republican electorate had become full of ultra-conservatives, militant Christians, and tea party whackos - all of whom demanded their people in Washington not make so much as a single compromise with the Democrats.

This resulted in a "party over everything" mentality that has ground Washington to a halt.

The other factor is much easier to understand. People have been fed up for a LONG time with the politicians the two parties have been giving us. Americans have essentially been voting for the lesser of two evils for the better part of 50 years now. The huge support for Trump and Sanders, both of whom are seen as party outsiders, shows how much contempt the American public has for the two major parties.
It's a fascinating situation, especially because a lot of educated people are ardent Trump supporters, so I'm really looking forward to the day when we start understanding what the hell happened, what led to this situation. I don't get it, but then again, I don't live in the US.

First off I question the highlighted notion like mad, but it's important to remember that being educated doesn't make you smart or provide common sense (among other things). Also, the standard of education in America is not very high. We don't rank particularly well internationally. Voting in the favor of self interest is the biggest problem with a republic/democracy. So the folks that support Trump regardless of education or socio-economic status aren't seeing beyond their myopic perspective, nor do they care to. Donald is that all over...that shittiest aspect of the U.S.

As to that last part the last sentence above...count yourself lucky at the moment.
What happened is fairly easy to explain. Two separate tracks of political motion converged in 2015 to give us what we have.

Several years ago, we started throwing incumbents out of Congress because we were tired of their corrupt, duplicitous system of Washington politics. The new folks came to Washington truly believing that they were charged with doing the will of their electorate. What we didn't realize was that the old system, while corrupt and duplicitous, worked. The "old boys" network in Congress may have been ugly, but it allowed Congress to function. Deals were made, asses were covered, and shit got done.

The new batch's priority was represent their electorate, which they quickly realized meant the people who elected them: their party. This was particularly influencing for the Republican party, since the Republican electorate had become full of ultra-conservatives, militant Christians, and tea party whackos - all of whom demanded their people in Washington not make so much as a single compromise with the Democrats.

This resulted in a "party over everything" mentality that has ground Washington to a halt.

The other factor is much easier to understand. People have been fed up for a LONG time with the politicians the two parties have been giving us. Americans have essentially been voting for the lesser of two evils for the better part of 50 years now. The huge support for Trump and Sanders, both of whom are seen as party outsiders, shows how much contempt the American public has for the two major parties.
And don't forget the gerrymandering.
First off I question the highlighted notion like mad, but it's important to remember that being educated doesn't make you smart or provide common sense (among other things). Also, the standard of education in America is not very high. We don't rank particularly well internationally. Voting in the favor of self interest is the biggest problem with a republic/democracy. So the folks that support Trump regardless of education or socio-economic status aren't seeing beyond their myopic perspective, nor do they care to. Donald is that all over...that shittiest aspect of the U.S.

As to that last part the last sentence above...count yourself lucky at the moment.

My anecdotal experience tells me that my well off friends who are ardent Trump supporters are party-platform Republicans. Of the group, only one has sworn off Trump. He won't vote for Clinton or a third party, so he's staying home this year. Not that it matters. He lives in Connecticut which will be announced for Clinton the moment the polls close. The others are going down with the ship.
The White Zone is for loading and unloading only. If you're going to load, please do it in the White Zone.


What do you mean, "White Zone?"
I am LOVING watching trump implode. this is hilarious.

not a big fan of hillary but she has a pretty clear path to victory at this point. she can just have other people attack trump and he takes the bait while she just rides along scott free.

its crazy how a story like the US paying 400mm to Iran comes out and no one is even talking about it because of the dozen or so gaffes from trump and his staff.
I am LOVING watching trump implode. this is hilarious.

not a big fan of hillary but she has a pretty clear path to victory at this point. she can just have other people attack trump and he takes the bait while she just rides along scott free.

its crazy how a story like the US paying 400mm to Iran comes out and no one is even talking about it because of the dozen or so gaffes from trump and his staff.

I've seen a bunch of stuff from Fox over the past couple of days on it. The payment, the timing, the sweeping under the rug, is all suspect. And yet Trump is such a dumpster fire the networks know that pumping him will get them ratings. So here we are. Awful.
I am LOVING watching trump implode. this is hilarious.

not a big fan of hillary but she has a pretty clear path to victory at this point. she can just have other people attack trump and he takes the bait while she just rides along scott free.

its crazy how a story like the US paying 400mm to Iran comes out and no one is even talking about it because of the dozen or so gaffes from trump and his staff.
That's a nonstory anyway. It's Iran's money, which has been in an escrow account since 1979.
I am LOVING watching trump implode. this is hilarious.

not a big fan of hillary but she has a pretty clear path to victory at this point. she can just have other people attack trump and he takes the bait while she just rides along scott free.

its crazy how a story like the US paying 400mm to Iran comes out and no one is even talking about it because of the dozen or so gaffes from trump and his staff.

That's because it's a non-story; we didn't pay them $400m, we returned it to them from seized assets and the cash came from international banks, since we don't bank with them due to embargos.
That's because it's a non-story; we didn't pay them $400m, we returned it to them from seized assets and the cash came from international banks, since we don't bank with them due to embargos.

This is true. However the way the payment was made, the non-disclosure of the payment, and how the event surfaced don't make any sense. It's not the returning the money, it's everything else.
So the same way the DNC chose.
The political parties are not public entities and they have no obligations to the will of the people in selecting their nominee. It's not required to be a small-"d" democratic process, but they run them as such because it increases buy-in and road-tests the candidates.
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