OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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carson takes 'in god we trust' and 'under god' completely out of the context from where they originated. he implies that those words are original to the founding of the country, and they are not.
both were added (the last time) during the 1950's and the McCarthy "Red Scare" that swept the country.
those words NEVER came from founding fathers.
carson takes 'in god we trust' and 'under god' completely out of the context from where they originated. he implies that those words are original to the founding of the country, and they are not.
both were added (the last time) during the 1950's and the McCarthy "Red Scare" that swept the country.
those words NEVER came from founding fathers.

Back in the early 2000s, I was working at a bank and I heard one of my coworkers up in arms that people wanted to take out "under god" from the pledge of allegiance. She didn't believe me when I told her it wasn't originally part of the pledge and that the pledge had been around longer without the "under god" line than it had been with it in there.
I spent 6 years providing IT support for a Radiology department. Some of the doctors I supported were recognized as the best in the world and you would be surprised at how dumb some of them seemed. Just failing to grasp simple concepts. But they were amazing doctors.

True, I've had the same experience with doctors who were world renowned experts in their field but couldn't do simple, everyday tasks like figuring out how to get to a hotel from the airport. Being highly educated in one area doesn't make you a genius at everything.
I love the first 3EB album. Great arrangements, great tone, great songs. :embarrassed: "Graduate" and "Losing A Whole Year" are overlooked 90's classics.

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For the lulz.

Holy shit, ugh. What century is it?

To these morons, it's always a fairytale version of 50s: The United States was the Ultimate Good, Global Communism was the Ultimate Evil, women and minorities were Kept in Their Place, and the Word of the White Male was unchallenged.

That Ozzy & Harriett version of the 50s never actually existed anywhere but in childish fantasy and willful ignorance of the real world.
carson takes 'in god we trust' and 'under god' completely out of the context from where they originated. he implies that those words are original to the founding of the country, and they are not.
both were added (the last time) during the 1950's and the McCarthy "Red Scare" that swept the country.
those words NEVER came from founding fathers.

And they were put there to give the middle finger to the Godless Russkies, not out of sincere reverence.
To these morons, it's always a fairytale version of 50s: The United States was the Ultimate Good, Global Communism was the Ultimate Evil, women and minorities were Kept in Their Place, and the Word of the White Male was unchallenged.

That Ozzy & Harriett version of the 50s never actually existed anywhere but in childish fantasy and willful ignorance of the real world.

That infernal Rock and/or Roll screwed everything up. :mad:
To these morons, it's always a fairytale version of 50s: The United States was the Ultimate Good, Global Communism was the Ultimate Evil, women and minorities were Kept in Their Place, and the Word of the White Male was unchallenged.

That Ozzy & Harriett version of the 50s never actually existed anywhere but in childish fantasy and willful ignorance of the real world.
As a white male, I'd fully support this platform. Somebody really needs to run with this as the core of their campaign. Life would be great for me. I'd come home every night to a wife that'd have the house spotless, a cold cocktail waiting for me, and dinner on the table. Who wouldn't want that?

I hope you guys can recognize satire. :wink:
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I think the speech was copied on purpose. It goes back to Trump really not running to win the election. Everyday, he gets more and more out there and this was one more thing to throw out there to make him seem worse. I really hope that his goal is to take down the party and if it is, he is brilliant.

I read an article (can't remember where, likely some liberal rag :embarrassed:) that made the point that Trump now has a mailing list of millions of people who are gullible enough to fall for his schtick. He can sell the mailing list to the folks selling deionized water, pheromone perfume, bunker food supplies, etc. Herman Cain, Huckabee, and others are STILL making hundreds of thousands of dollars off their failed campaigns by leading their sheep to slaughter.
And Ben Carson gets name-checked on Songs in the Key of Life, so he'll always be a hero to me. I'm just not a fan of the cash-in phase of his career.
I read an article (can't remember where, likely some liberal rag :embarrassed:) that made the point that Trump now has a mailing list of millions of people who are gullible enough to fall for his schtick. He can sell the mailing list to the folks selling deionized water, pheromone perfume, bunker food supplies, etc. Herman Cain, Huckabee, and others are STILL making hundreds of thousands of dollars off their failed campaigns by leading their sheep to slaughter.

Not to mention that Trump is basically leasing all of his campaign resources (offices, jet, office equipment, etc) from Trump Industries. I have heard speculation that he'll end up with a big chunk of his campaign's contributions in his pocket.
I have heard speculation that he'll end up with a big chunk of his campaign's contributions in his pocket.

He’ll make a little money that way, but to a guy with Trump’s wealthy it’s nothing compared to what he’d make from just spending the money he used for the campaign to advertise his businesses. The real money comes from lending money to his own campaign, because there are no limits on interest rates politicians can charge their own campaigns. Trump could loan his campaign a hundred million dollars at 20% interest, and if he wins, anyone who wants to get business done in Washington will have to make maximum annual contributions to the fund to retire Trump’s campaign debt before a GOP politician will even get on the phone.
He’ll make a little money that way, but to a guy with Trump’s wealthy it’s nothing compared to what he’d make from just spending the money he used for the campaign to advertise his businesses. The real money comes from lending money to his own campaign, because there are no limits on interest rates politicians can charge their own campaigns. Trump could loan his campaign a hundred million dollars at 20% interest, and if he wins, anyone who wants to get business done in Washington will have to make maximum annual contributions to the fund to retire Trump’s campaign debt before a GOP politician will even get on the phone.

OR.......his companies 'loan' several hundred mill to the campaign.....but he looses the election and the 'campaign' files bankruptcy (nothing new to trump) and then the companies write it off as losses against taxes.....and voila....the cash is laundered.

he's not running for president. he's laundering several hundred million dollars. :grin:
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