OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Don't you have enough under-employed musicians?

You’ll be dragging that albatross to the end of your days, no matter where you are. Might as well get citizenship in a place that’s cool and where you won’t have to sell all of your guitars for first pacemaker.
well, ya got to start with something :idea:

like . . . what do you think about this Jagmaster with humbucking pickups and a Bigsby? Or here's my list of the 5 worst bands of all time? I think these tests have provided much more valuable insight into abnormal personality disorders.
like . . . what do you think about this Jagmaster with humbucking pickups and a Bigsby? Or here's my list of the 5 worst bands of all time? I think these tests have provided much more valuable insight into abnormal personality disorders.
yea.....IF you're talking to musicians. ask cheeto what a Bigsby is and he's likely to say it was a movie that came out in the 1970's about the 1930's. rolleyes1
well, shitler must be on the verge of doing something stupid (and likely illegal) . they've drug out the old "abortion is satan" bullshit and waiving it around for their idiot supporters.
now it's not "if you offer abortions"'s if you even talk about them.

White House Moves To Ban Federal Funds For Clinics Who Refer Women For Abortions

"The White House will announce Friday that it is reviving a rule similar to one proposed during the Reagan administration that bars groups who provide abortions or refer patients for the procedure from receiving federal funding, a Trump administration official speaking on background tells NPR.

The proposed regulation would apply to Title X, the federal program that provides at least $260 million annually for contraception, screenings for sexually transmitted diseases, and other reproductive health services to millions of low-income people, according to the official, who asked not to be named." know.......FUCK THE POOR!!!

You’ll be dragging that albatross to the end of your days, no matter where you are. Might as well get citizenship in a place that’s cool and where you won’t have to sell all of your guitars for first pacemaker.

Yeah, but that seems like the sort of thing that would make it difficult to secure permanent residency permits or citizenship.
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