OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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disgrace, attack on the country. Unfair, dems and repubs who worked for Obama. Blah, Blah, Blah.

Yes, this is from occupy. But I fact checked it. True story.


And I like this too.
I'm just thinking about how the Republican denial is going. A few pages ago, I was worried about Berman. I'm still worried.
Did you see the two facts I repeated? Trump appointed him. He paid the Trump campaign money. I get the worry, and I am sure the retort and denial will be like that. But facts are facts at some point. Still, weird times. It is worrisome.
i think that Berman realizes his butt is between a rock and a hard one. i think he understands that if he doesn't do his due dilligience he is going to see his career in trouble. also, there is, of late, an under the radar republican revolt against cheeto. senators and reps are calling quits, who would otherwise be running for reelection. Berman is taking a preemptive position and taking the 'high ground' so that when the shit really hits the fan, he won't be one of the gopers that sacrificed his career for cheeto.

or i could be full of shit. we'll see.
but note: Mueller had enough trust in Berman to hand him this case.
If SDNY is truly in charge of this Michael Cohen investigation, that will continue whether or not Mueller is fired.

That's an "if" by a very well educated man on this subject.

I need to see more specific reporting before I'm 100% convinced this is a full-on "referral" to SDNY. I could be completely wrong but such a referral seems peculiar. Of course much is peculiar these days.

I appreciate his skepticism.

As @matthewamiller just suggested, it seems that if the Mueller team were retaining the Michael Cohen piece, they would still need a "clean team" (or "taint team") to deal with the sensitivities of A-C privilege. That could be SDNY

This apparently means SDNY would have to give the Mueller team all of their evidence so Cohen could be prosecuted at a higher level. If that happens, I think Trump goes apeshit, fires everyone, and who knows what else.

Regardless, it does make me feel a little better about Berman.
Maybe Republicans are finally figuring out that Shitler is truly only out for himself, and anyone else is fair game for the meat grinder, party loyalty be damned.
It's "an attack on our country in a true sense, an attack on what we all stand for," Trump said of the raids.

Well, let's just hope he doesn't try to pull a Bluto with our nation's resources as this unfolds. And saying that sounds insulting to Belushi and the character and National Lampoon.
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I live in a small midwest farming town where corn and soybeans are a huge part of the people's livelihoods. And, it is very, very red here. I was wondering how the local farmers would react to the now happening drop in corn prices.

Trumpgret? Thoughtful reflection? Of course not. Why, prices were already dropping due to a myriad of reasons. This is a natural progression. Trump's embargo had nothing to do with it.
I refuse to follow Trump. I do follow GollumTrump though, reading his tweets without context is like a cool little puzzle.

I follow Trump, but I rarely get to read his post before someone re-tweets it or writes an article about it. Media Matters does a good job of lining up Trump's tweets with media they think it comes from. Mostly Fox, CNN, and NY Times stories.
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