OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Wait for the question about his fav concert. The shocking truth has people sobbing.

Seriously, fuck this guy.

EDIT: I sent this horrible candidate’s campaign an email.

“I’ve been unenthusiastic about JB from the get go. But what am I going to Republican? Still the recent ad where JB attempts to be relatable by citing his fav concert as that time he saw the Eagles and the Steve Miller Band is a BRIDGE TOO FAR. What kind of tan pants dad rock horror will JB unleash upon our state if given the chance? His powers of discernment are suspect! I can’t trust a man with my state when I can’t trust him with my playlist.”

I am patiently awaiting a response.
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I can give a shit about Romney but he's right in this case:

Senate candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) on Sunday night denounced the pastor expected to speak at Monday's ceremony celebrating the opening of the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.

"Robert Jeffress says 'you can’t be saved by being a Jew,' and 'Mormonism is a heresy from the pit of hell.' He’s said the same about Islam. Such a religious bigot should not be giving the prayer that opens the United States Embassy in Jerusalem," Romney tweeted.

Jeffress, a Dallas-based pastor and known supporter of President Trump, said over the weekend that he would be leading the prayer at the dedication of the new embassy. Trump announced in December that he was relocating the embassy to Jerusalem, a move that drew international condemnation and sparked concerns of a widening conflict in the Middle East.

According to a report from Haaretz, Jeffress has made derogatory remarks about Islam in the past, calling it "a religion that promotes pedophilia" and a "heresy from the pit of hell."

He has also called Mormonism "a cult" that is not a true part of Christianity and said "you can't be saved by being a Jew," Haaretz reported.

Just a reminder that Romney has always been and will always be a craven hypocrite:

Jeffress endorsed Romney, who is Mormon, for president back in 2012, despite derogatory comments the pastor made at the time about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

The pastor has repeatedly defended Trump in the midst of numerous controversies, including allegations that the president had an affair with adult film actress Stormy Daniels.

“Evangelicals know they’re not compromising their beliefs in order to support this great president,” he told Fox News in March. “And let’s be clear, evangelicals still believe in the commandment ‘thou shalt not have sex with a porn star.’”

“However, whether this president violated that commandment or not is totally irrelevant to our support of him,” he said.

The U.S. delegation, which includes White House senior advisers Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, arrived in Israel this weekend ahead of the embassy opening. Celebrations began in Jerusalem on Sunday, though, according to Reuters, numerous foreign envoys invited to participate declined to attend.

I can give a shit about Romney but he's right in this case:

Senate candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) on Sunday night denounced the pastor expected to speak at Monday's ceremony celebrating the opening of the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.

"Robert Jeffress says 'you can’t be saved by being a Jew,' and 'Mormonism is a heresy from the pit of hell.' He’s said the same about Islam. Such a religious bigot should not be giving the prayer that opens the United States Embassy in Jerusalem," Romney tweeted.

Jeffress, a Dallas-based pastor and known supporter of President Trump, said over the weekend that he would be leading the prayer at the dedication of the new embassy. Trump announced in December that he was relocating the embassy to Jerusalem, a move that drew international condemnation and sparked concerns of a widening conflict in the Middle East.

According to a report from Haaretz, Jeffress has made derogatory remarks about Islam in the past, calling it "a religion that promotes pedophilia" and a "heresy from the pit of hell."

He has also called Mormonism "a cult" that is not a true part of Christianity and said "you can't be saved by being a Jew," Haaretz reported.

Just a reminder that Romney has always been and will always be a craven hypocrite:

Jeffress endorsed Romney, who is Mormon, for president back in 2012, despite derogatory comments the pastor made at the time about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

The pastor has repeatedly defended Trump in the midst of numerous controversies, including allegations that the president had an affair with adult film actress Stormy Daniels.

“Evangelicals know they’re not compromising their beliefs in order to support this great president,” he told Fox News in March. “And let’s be clear, evangelicals still believe in the commandment ‘thou shalt not have sex with a porn star.’”

“However, whether this president violated that commandment or not is totally irrelevant to our support of him,” he said.

The U.S. delegation, which includes White House senior advisers Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, arrived in Israel this weekend ahead of the embassy opening. Celebrations began in Jerusalem on Sunday, though, according to Reuters, numerous foreign envoys invited to participate declined to attend.

I'm gonna have to say I am against any pastor leading a prayer at the opening of an embassy.

Wait for the question about his fav concert. The shocking truth has people sobbing.

Seriously, fuck this guy.

EDIT: I sent this horrible candidate’s campaign an email.

“I’ve been unenthusiastic about JB from the get go. But what am I going to Republican? Still the recent ad where JB attempts to be relatable by citing his fav concert as that time he saw the Eagles and the Steve Miller Band is a BRIDGE TOO FAR. What kind of tan pants dad rock horror will JB unleash upon our state if given the chance? His powers of discernment are suspect! I can’t trust a man with my state when I can’t trust him with my playlist.”

I am patiently awaiting a response.

cheeto fucks everyone over........again, including his party's own money suppliers.rotflmao

Top GOP donors close wallets over tax law

"As national Republicans scramble their resources for a high-stakes midterm election year, some of the party's biggest and most reliable donors have quietly withheld their support for Senate and House Republican groups out of frustration with the new tax law, CNN has learned."

"Although some of the donors have not sworn off contributions to individual campaigns or even the Republican National Committee, all have so far withheld contributions to the House and Senate Republican campaign arms -- which are key players in the 2018 midterm elections -- as a way to send a message over the law."

"Collectively, they have bristled at what they view as favored treatment for corporations under the law. While the corporate tax rate was slashed from 35% to 21%, hedge funds are largely taxed at the top individual rate, which ticked down from 39.6% to 37%."


Sometimes, all you need is a hat to complete the ensemble.
cheeto fucks everyone over........again, including his party's own money suppliers.rotflmao

Top GOP donors close wallets over tax law

"As national Republicans scramble their resources for a high-stakes midterm election year, some of the party's biggest and most reliable donors have quietly withheld their support for Senate and House Republican groups out of frustration with the new tax law, CNN has learned."

"Although some of the donors have not sworn off contributions to individual campaigns or even the Republican National Committee, all have so far withheld contributions to the House and Senate Republican campaign arms -- which are key players in the 2018 midterm elections -- as a way to send a message over the law."

"Collectively, they have bristled at what they view as favored treatment for corporations under the law. While the corporate tax rate was slashed from 35% to 21%, hedge funds are largely taxed at the top individual rate, which ticked down from 39.6% to 37%."
Good. Even though cowardly shiteater fake human being all around fuckhead Paul Ryan is trying to beat the game by retiring, all of the rest of these complicit bastards deserve to be defunded and voted out on their asses. Fucking assholes had to RAM IT THROUGH, so they deserve any consequences they get for not getting it right, even if it is at the hands of the crooked bastards they were trying to appease. Hopefully, this will hinder the Cowardly Ryan in his employment efforts in the private sector as well. I detest that guy even more than Shitler.

Officials at the White House and Environment Protection Agency fretted about a public relations "nightmare" from an agency’s expected move to change suggested standards for fluorinated chemicals in drinking water, according to internal emails.

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), which is part of the Centers for Disease Control, is currently readjusting its standards for acceptable levels of the chemical in drinking water and is expected to propose that safe levels be almost six times stronger than EPA's current recommendation.

Internal Trump administration emails that the Union of Concerned Scientists obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit paint a picture of an administration bracing for the heightened standards, fearing the conflicting guidance's impact on other parts of the federal government.

In one of the [internal Trump administration emails obtained vis FOIA] ... and first reported by Politico Monday, an unnamed White House intergovernmental affairs official called the expected fallout from the stronger recommendations "extremely painful."

“The public, media and Congressional reaction to these new numbers is going to be huge,” the official wrote in a letter forwarded to EPA. “The impact to EPA and DoD is going to be extremely painful. We [DoD and EPA] cannot seem to get ATSDR to realize the potential public relations nightmare this is going to be.”
one of the most important parts of that story:

“Unlike Scott Pruitt’s Pollution Protection Agency, there is still one government agency clearly trying to safeguard the public from these dangerous chemicals,” said Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook in a statement Monday. “Only Scott Pruitt and the Trump administration would consider reducing drinking water contamination for the American people to be a ‘nightmare.’
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