OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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to elect the person you want for Prez. and not have one forced on you by gerrymander.

By definition, states are gerrymandered territories. We need a redrawing of state lines into perfectly compact, non gerrymandered areas, each with even representation. That'll fix it.
who says China-person?

Someone who doesn't want to be accused of being sexist for saying "Chinaman"?

Oh no you din't!

if that were true, then the USA would be a giant lake, by now.

Right now the US is a lake. An entire lake of RED. You can't keep the blue out of the middle forever. It'll spill over and the beavers' plan will be foiled. Ungerrymandering states is the only way to stop them. Sign the petition!
So it turns out ol' Melania has a sense of humor hiding behind that icy façade she throws up:

"Be Best"
wow, i just don't know what to say. the profundity is amazing. almost like "Make America Great, Again". or even "Just Say No".
those conservatives come up with the snappiest one liners.
i think melania is a very clever troll. :trollface:

there is no way to say things like that if you arent trying to jab your porn star banging only in it for the money husband.
"Be Best"
wow, i just don't know what to say. the profundity is amazing. almost like "Make America Great, Again". or even "Just Say No".
those conservatives come up with the snappiest one liners.
She has a degree, and knows 5 languages! Or has 5 degrees, and knows a language! Or something!! :confused::grin:

I almost feel bad making fun of Melania, but really... Be Best? :facepalm: This probably wouldn't look quite as bad if she and/or her handlers hadn't ripped off Michelle Obama for her very first address at the RNC, but they did, and now this. Given that she's supposed to be a highly intelligent recipient of an "Einstein Visa", mutlilingual, etc., etc., this doesn't make her look good. Unless, of course, you compare her directly to Shitler, and then she looks like Marie Curie.

Also, I thought Jared was supposed to be curing opioid abuse. He must still be too busy plundering classified documents (without a security clearance) for info to blackmail foreign powers into loaning him money. But her emails!! :mad:
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damn i'm gonna be glad when tomorrow night is over. :mad::mad::mad:

it's primary election day tomorrow, here in ohio. and the shit slinging ads are every 5 to 10 minutes. have been for a week or so, but tonight it is full on blitz, and for the most part, it's a waste of $$.
people who follow the issues and candidates know who they're voting for and are not changing their mind because of some (obvious) lying commercial.
people who don't follow any of that and are actually going to vote are likely to just pick one or pass.

they just ran an ad for some state office in district 11. that's in cleveland, we're in toledo. no one here can even vote for someone on the other side of the state. waste of money.

glad when it's over.

The only other time in my life that I remember someone using the word “negro” it was Howard Stern in a skit mocking David Duke. And “China people” barely meets the grade level of Breitbart racist commenter. His completely flat deadpan delivery is incredible. This guy acts like Bill Murray doing an SNL parody of the Tea Party leadership. If Trump wasn’t POTUS I couldn’t take Blankenship’s candidacy seriously.
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