OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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So uh, knife crime in London is uh totally bad.

Out of control


Out of control.

*shakes head for dramatic effect

My people, and, you know I have the best people in the world, best in the world, trust me.

They say what we need to stop knife crime is to give everyone guns - if the bad guy thinks you're carrying a gun he won't attack you.

Am I close? :shrug:
So uh, knife crime in London is uh totally bad.

Out of control


Out of control.

*shakes head for dramatic effect

My people, and, you know I have the best people in the world, best in the world, trust me.

They say what we need to stop knife crime is to give everyone guns - if the bad guy thinks you're carrying a gun he won't attack you.

Am I close? :shrug:

Breitbart has been all over the knife crime stuff. They've gotten people riled up and now it's made it's way to Trump. I'd love to say it's all a joke, but well, here we are.
Cops are out of control these days. In what world is the theft of a 1 dollar pack of mints a use of deadly force situation for a cop? Dude didn’t even steal anything, but even if he did is pocketing single piece of candy the kind of thing where a cop should draw his pistol?
Judge Dredd disapproves of your lack of faith in the system.
Breitbart has been all over the knife crime stuff. They've gotten people riled up and now it's made it's way to Trump. I'd love to say it's all a joke, but well, here we are.
I've seen my share of those trolls spouting that shit. I usually bring up the Staten Island Ferry/Samurai sword guy. Dude had the best conditions to cause the most Carnage with a blade you could ever conceive of and "only" killed 2. Just picture a crowded ferry and an AR15, or even a good pistol.
Cops are out of control these days. In what world is the theft of a 1 dollar pack of mints a use of deadly force situation for a cop? Dude didn’t even steal anything, but even if he did is pocketing single piece of candy the kind of thing where a cop should draw his pistol?

Steal a pack of go to jail...wait no, steal a pack of mentos and you die, you go to the grave:facepalm:
Cops are out of control these days. In what world is the theft of a 1 dollar pack of mints a use of deadly force situation for a cop? Dude didn’t even steal anything, but even if he did is pocketing single piece of candy the kind of thing where a cop should draw his pistol?
Mark Wein bought some Mentos. You won't believe what happened next.

Well, it starts with a pack of Mentos, and then people are stealing jars of boysenberry preserves from Knotts Berry Farm, rustling horses from Medieval Times or not showering before they use the water slides at Soak City. The contagion could spread across the border into Anaheim and you'll have the fall of the Magic Kingdom. Disney is a national security priority that cannot be risked. A complete breakdown in civilization and all it takes is one pack of Mentos.

Plus, this guy didn't get in trouble for pulling his gun on some kids in his front yard last year:
Well, it starts with a pack of Mentos, and then people are stealing jars of boysenberry preserves from Knotts Berry Farm, rustling horses from Medieval Times or not showering before they use the water slides at Soak City. The contagion could spread across the border into Anaheim and you'll have the fall of the Magic Kingdom. Disney is a national security priority that cannot be risked. A complete breakdown in civilization and all it takes is one pack of Mentos.

Plus, this guy didn't get in trouble for pulling his gun on some kids in his front yard last year:
"Good guys with guns" :(
Cops are out of control these days. In what world is the theft of a 1 dollar pack of mints a use of deadly force situation for a cop? Dude didn’t even steal anything, but even if he did is pocketing single piece of candy the kind of thing where a cop should draw his pistol?
it's been out of control for a long time.
since when does a cop need to shoot a fleeing suspect, 16 times in the back?
and then fucking gets away with it.
"An unreal fantasy world where people tell the truth" translation: my client is a liar. I can't have him testify bc he will lie.

Doesn't every govt employee get fired if they refuse a subpoena to testify?
Why does everyone keep living in this fantasy world where special prosecutors or judges can compel a president to do something? I'll keep saying this until I'm blue in the face: a sitting president is answerable ONLY to congress.

Mueller can subpoena Trump all he wants. He might even get a judge to find Trump in contempt. But they have no muscle to enforce it.

In the pre alternative facts world, a congress would impeach and convict in a heartbeat regardless of its R vs D makeup. In this winner take all, party uber alles world, the Republicans in congress will simply hand wave the issue away. Deep state witch hunt, dontcha' know.
So uh, knife crime in London is uh totally bad.

Out of control


Out of control.

*shakes head for dramatic effect

My people, and, you know I have the best people in the world, best in the world, trust me.

They say what we need to stop knife crime is to give everyone guns - if the bad guy thinks you're carrying a gun he won't attack you.

Am I close? :shrug:

The only way to stop a good guy with a knife is a bad guy with a knife. Wait!
Cops are out of control these days. In what world is the theft of a 1 dollar pack of mints a use of deadly force situation for a cop? Dude didn’t even steal anything, but even if he did is pocketing single piece of candy the kind of thing where a cop should draw his pistol?

Well in this case the cop was Asian. Much like the Japanese grossly exaggerating the worst aspects of American culture like reality shows and metal bands, Asian cops probably exaggerate the worst aspects of white American cops. And had someone been shot there surely would have been a high ranking black police officer on the news justifying the shooting.
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