OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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I do kayak and I do enjoy it, but I prefer canoeing, paddling, rowing, sailing, or stand-up paddle-boarding more.
though I really enjoyed sea kayaks, my lower back prefers it now if I paddleboard myself. As you know, I would love to sail, but need to be somewhere where that is more possible. Thus the allure of Squamish. Close to Whistler, near the water. But inland looks nice too. Just not as much for sailing.
though I really enjoyed sea kayaks, my lower back prefers it now if I paddleboard myself. As you know, I would love to sail, but need to be somewhere where that is more possible. Thus the allure of Squamish. Close to Whistler, near the water. But inland looks nice too. Just not as much for sailing.


Back yard, oceanfront. Not much of a beach, it’s rocky by the water. But I love the ocean.
“Project Blitz” Seeks to Do for Christian Nationalism What American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Does for Big Business

These assholes are behind multiple state and federal bills forcing their version of "religious liberty" upon everyone.

Public Policy Resolutions

Resolution Establishing Public Policy Favoring Intimate Sexual Relations Only Between Married, Heterosexual Couples: Resolves “that the public policy of this State supports and encourages marriage between one man and one woman and the desirability that intimate sexual relations only take place between such couples.”

Resolution Establishing Public Policy Favoring Reliance on and Maintenance of Birth Gender: Resolves “that the public policy of this State supports and encourages maintenance of the birth gender of its citizens.” This a bill aimed at discouraging or limiting recognition of transgender people.

Resolution Establishing Public Policy Favoring Adoption by Intact Heterosexual, Marriage-based Families: Aimed at discouraging adoption by same sex couples.

Protection for Professionals and Individuals
Protection for Professionals and Individuals Marriage Tolerance Act (a/k/a/ First Amendment Defense Act)
: “An act to prohibit discriminatory action against a person who believes, speaks, or acts in accordance with a sincerely held religious belief that marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman or that sexual relations are properly reserved to such marriage.”

Preserving Religious Freedom Act (a/k/a/ Religious Freedom Restoration Act or “State RFRA”): “This act is intended to ensure that this State applies at least the same level of religious liberty protections applied at the federal level in order to ensure that State and local governmental entities will not restrict a person’s free exercise rights more than the federal government.” The model bill is similar to bill already on the books in several states.

Child Protection Act: Seeks to allow religious exemptions for adoption and foster care agencies in serving same sex couples.

Clergy Protection Act: Allows clergy and religious organizations not to participate in marriage of which they disapprove.

Licensed Professional Civil Rights Act: “An act prohibiting discrimination by any individual or organization against an applicant for, or a holder of, an occupational license, due to the professional’s or potential professional’s sincerely held religious beliefs.” Would provide religious exemptions for such professionals as pharmacists, medical personnel and mental health practitioners from providing care to LGBTQ people, and such matters as abortion and contraption.

Protection for Teachers and Students
Student Prayer Certification Act: “An act providing for certain reporting and certifications by the State Board of Education and local school districts to comply with federal law.” States are required to certify that they are not preventing students from engaging in constitutionally protected prayer. This bill sets up a mechanism for how to implement.

Teacher Protection Act: Provides for state legal assistance if teachers or schools are sued over official religious practices.

Preserving Religious Freedom in School Act
: Provides for legal protection for a variety of religious expressions and activities.

Hey, look, the extreme self denial/self hate homosexuals are passing laws again. Just step out of the fucking closet and let everyone else go about their lives, assholes.
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For those of you not on Facebook, this is from my personal page:

Don't forget to always make sure your pharmacy is offering you their cheapest generic option: today at Costco a 90 Day Supply of my medicine was $1600, until I asked if they were using the generic, as my doc prescribed. They said that was a mistake, and lowered it to $70. I told them that was still more than usual and asked if there had been a manufacturers increase... they responded no and switched to their cheapest generic option, and I walked out with three medications for $30, which is what I've been paying there for about the last decade.

So yeah, big pharma will fuck you every chance they get. Don't take the first prescription price they offer.​

Martin Shkreli.....not an isolated thing. industry wide.
Rex tillerson: trump is a fucking moron.

John Kelly: trump is an idiot.

that list of questions Mueller wants to ask trump is nuts. if he goes to an interview he is screwed, def going to get a subpoena and then fight in the courts.
a couple of them were. jared's back channel to the russians. manafort's communication w russia during the campaign. obviously the trump tower meeting.
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